11. 20 Talk about what you did in you free time when you were young
As far as I remember, I didn't have that much free time when I was in school.
내가 기억하기로는 학교다닐때
I had to study a lot.
I went to school early in the morning and came back home late in the afternoon.
아침일찍 오후늦게 (4~5시)
I also attended cram schools for extra course work after classes.
학원다니다 추가로 필요한 수업내용
(*cram 뭘 꾸역꾸역 집어넣는 모양
I crammed for test. 벼락치기로 시험공부했다.)
I did that for most of my school years.
대부분 학창시절
I especially didn't have much free time in my senior year of high school.
졸업반, 고3
(*I went out with him in my senior of high school 고 3때 그와 사귀었다.)
I was busy preparing for college entrance exam.
All I remember is studying day and night.
내가 기억하는 거라곤 (*all 이 주어에 붙으면 '~하는 것'이라고 해석)
(*all day long, 온종일, all night long 밤새도록 day and night 쉴새없이)
I do remember spending a lot of time with my family though.
My parents were very family oriented.
가정적이다 (family came first)
We would spend quality time together quite often.
의미있는 시간, 뜻 깊은 시간
(*they need to spend some quality time together, 그들은 의미있는 시간을 함께 보낼 필요가 있다)
We used to go out for dinner or go on picnics or trips together.
소풍가다, 여행가다
<Today's Expression>
How were your grades back in school? 학교때 성적이 어땠어요?
They weren't that bad. 그렇게 나쁘진 않았어.
but I used to cram for test. 그런데 벼락치기 했어.
Did you do that too? 너도 그랬니?
11.19 what do you like to do in your free time
-The most common thing I do in my free time is to hang out with my friends.
~와 어울리다, 만나다
(*I used to hang out with my friends a lot: 친구들과 어울리는 걸 좋아했었다
Let's hang out sometime. 언제 얼굴 한번 보자.)
-We get together and chat over dinner or couple of drinks.
함께 모여서 저녁 먹으면서
(*We spent over 2 hours chatting over dinner. 저녁 먹으면서 2시간 넘게 수다떨었다)
-My friends and I like to go out to hot places that serve good food and drinks.
-Next, I also like to watch movies when I have some free time.
시간이 남을 때
-I'm not that big of a movie buff, but I see most of the movies that top the charts.
영화광 차트 상위권을 차지하다
(*I'm a movie buff. 난 영화광이다.)
he doesn't appear to be a movie buff. 그는 영화를 그리 좋아하지 않는 거 같다)
-I sometimes go to the theater myself to catch a movie.
(*watch는 그냥 보는 거고 catch는 놓치지 않고 '챙겨보다'는 의미)
-Last of all I like to spend some time on my own in my free time.
혼자만의 시간을 가지다
-I do some soul searching and think about things that I want to do in my life.
<Today's Expression>
I barely have any free time these days. 요즘 자유시간이 거의 없어.
11.18 Why did you start going to parks
Why did that reason change over the years?
I don't think there was a particular reason that made me go to parks in the first place.
(*in the first place 애당초)
Parks are all over the place.
어디에나 공원이 있다
There was a one in almost every neighborhood.
동네마다 거의 하나씩 다 있다
Personally I like going to parks, because I like taking walks.
Plus I can enjoy the trees and grass when I go to parks.
I can just sit on a bench and enjoy the breeze.
바람을 쐬다
(* I like to enjoy the breeze riding my bike in the evening. 저녁에 자전거 타면서 바람쐬는 걸 좋아해.
This is a great spot to sit down and enjoy the breeze. 여긴 앉아서 바람쐬기 딱 좋은 곳이다)
I can get some fresh air while I wind down and relax.
바람쐬다 긴장을 풀고 쉬다
(*I need to get some air. 바람 좀 쐬야겠다)
But these days I go to parks to get some exercise in the evening.
운동삼아 ~하다
(*it's good to get some exercise once in a while 가끔씩 운동하는 건 좋다)
I thinks Parks are great places for exercise.
공원은 운동하기 딱 좋다.
(*we have a large backyard that is great place for exercise. 운동하기 좋은 뒷마당이 있다)
Many people probably go to parks for that reason.
<Today's expression>
go for a run 뛰러 가다
go for a walk 산책하러 가다
go for a hike 등산하러 가다
go for a swim 수영하러 가다
I'm going for a run at the park. 뛰러 공원에 가.
11.17 Talk about how reality TV programs have changed over the years
Reality TV programs are becoming very diverse in Korea these days.
다채로워지다, 다양해지다
(*The country has diverse geography. 지리적 환경이 다채롭다
Cultural diversity 문화적 다양성)
In the past, there were mostly reality singing contests.
There are extremely popular, but there were so many of them.
They started to get a bit old.
(*The format, it started to get a bit old 포맷이 식상해졌다.
The food at the cafeteria is getting a bit old, 식당 음식이 식상해졌다)
There are new reality TV programs for dancing, cooking or travelling.
Among them reality cooking programs are all the rage these days.
진짜 인기가 많다. 하늘을 찌르다
(*Mobile games are all the rage among teenagers. 십대들 사이에서 모바일게임이 인기다
Organic foods are all the rage now days. 유기농이 요즘 대인기다.)
Some cooking shows get very high ratings.
시청률이 높다
(*The final episode of that show got very high ratings. 마지막 방송의 시청률이 매우 높았다)
On One popular show, professional chefs compete against each other, using ordinary ordinary ingredients in people's fridges.
(*I'm a good cook 요리를 잘하다 <-> terrible cook)
There are definitely more options to choose from.
선택의 폭이 넓다
(*I think it's great that we have more options to choose from.
I can give you more options to choose from.)
Overall the viewers are enjoying these new reality TV shows.
<Today's Expression>
The show is hilarious. 이쇼 진짜 웃겨, 배꼽잡게 웃겨.
(He is hilarious. 그 남자 진짜 웃겨.)
11. 16 Talk about How you like to dress
I like to follow my own style when it comes to fashion.
나만의 스타일 (own넣어 강조)
(*It's better to follow your own style when it comes to fashion
옷입을 때 자신만의 스타일로 입는 게 좋다)
I like to dress casually most of the time.
입다 대부분
I don't like to dress up too much.
잘 차려입다 (<->dress down 대충대충 입다)
(*It's important to dress up for important occasion
중요한 일에 차려입는 게 중요하다)
I also like clothes that I comfortable, and don't like clothes that I too tight.
As for colors I wear brighter colors in summer and darker colors in fall and winter.
(As for: ~에 있어서는 (화제전환시 많이 쓰는 표현))
I'm interested in a fashion trends, but I don't always follow them.
When I buy the clothes at shopping malls, I just buy things that look good on me.
(*Look good on: 멋지다, 잘 어울리다)
(*This blue tie looks good on anyone. 이 파란색 넥타이는 누가 입어도 예쁘다)
Overall I'm not that fashionable, but I do pay attention to detail when I dress.
그렇게 패션어블하진 않지만, 옷 입을 때 디테일에 신경쓴다.
(* You should pay more attention to detail. 넌 좀더 꼼꼼하게 신경쓸 필요가 있어)
<Today's Expression>
Why are you all dressed up? 왜 그렇게 예쁘게 차려 입은거야?
As far as I remember, I didn't have that much free time when I was in school.
내가 기억하기로는 학교다닐때
I had to study a lot.
I went to school early in the morning and came back home late in the afternoon.
아침일찍 오후늦게 (4~5시)
I also attended cram schools for extra course work after classes.
학원다니다 추가로 필요한 수업내용
(*cram 뭘 꾸역꾸역 집어넣는 모양
I crammed for test. 벼락치기로 시험공부했다.)
I did that for most of my school years.
대부분 학창시절
I especially didn't have much free time in my senior year of high school.
졸업반, 고3
(*I went out with him in my senior of high school 고 3때 그와 사귀었다.)
I was busy preparing for college entrance exam.
All I remember is studying day and night.
내가 기억하는 거라곤 (*all 이 주어에 붙으면 '~하는 것'이라고 해석)
(*all day long, 온종일, all night long 밤새도록 day and night 쉴새없이)
I do remember spending a lot of time with my family though.
My parents were very family oriented.
가정적이다 (family came first)
We would spend quality time together quite often.
의미있는 시간, 뜻 깊은 시간
(*they need to spend some quality time together, 그들은 의미있는 시간을 함께 보낼 필요가 있다)
We used to go out for dinner or go on picnics or trips together.
소풍가다, 여행가다
<Today's Expression>
How were your grades back in school? 학교때 성적이 어땠어요?
They weren't that bad. 그렇게 나쁘진 않았어.
but I used to cram for test. 그런데 벼락치기 했어.
Did you do that too? 너도 그랬니?
11.19 what do you like to do in your free time
-The most common thing I do in my free time is to hang out with my friends.
~와 어울리다, 만나다
(*I used to hang out with my friends a lot: 친구들과 어울리는 걸 좋아했었다
Let's hang out sometime. 언제 얼굴 한번 보자.)
-We get together and chat over dinner or couple of drinks.
함께 모여서 저녁 먹으면서
(*We spent over 2 hours chatting over dinner. 저녁 먹으면서 2시간 넘게 수다떨었다)
-My friends and I like to go out to hot places that serve good food and drinks.
-Next, I also like to watch movies when I have some free time.
시간이 남을 때
-I'm not that big of a movie buff, but I see most of the movies that top the charts.
영화광 차트 상위권을 차지하다
(*I'm a movie buff. 난 영화광이다.)
he doesn't appear to be a movie buff. 그는 영화를 그리 좋아하지 않는 거 같다)
-I sometimes go to the theater myself to catch a movie.
(*watch는 그냥 보는 거고 catch는 놓치지 않고 '챙겨보다'는 의미)
-Last of all I like to spend some time on my own in my free time.
혼자만의 시간을 가지다
-I do some soul searching and think about things that I want to do in my life.
<Today's Expression>
I barely have any free time these days. 요즘 자유시간이 거의 없어.
11.18 Why did you start going to parks
Why did that reason change over the years?
I don't think there was a particular reason that made me go to parks in the first place.
(*in the first place 애당초)
Parks are all over the place.
어디에나 공원이 있다
There was a one in almost every neighborhood.
동네마다 거의 하나씩 다 있다
Personally I like going to parks, because I like taking walks.
Plus I can enjoy the trees and grass when I go to parks.
I can just sit on a bench and enjoy the breeze.
바람을 쐬다
(* I like to enjoy the breeze riding my bike in the evening. 저녁에 자전거 타면서 바람쐬는 걸 좋아해.
This is a great spot to sit down and enjoy the breeze. 여긴 앉아서 바람쐬기 딱 좋은 곳이다)
I can get some fresh air while I wind down and relax.
바람쐬다 긴장을 풀고 쉬다
(*I need to get some air. 바람 좀 쐬야겠다)
But these days I go to parks to get some exercise in the evening.
운동삼아 ~하다
(*it's good to get some exercise once in a while 가끔씩 운동하는 건 좋다)
I thinks Parks are great places for exercise.
공원은 운동하기 딱 좋다.
(*we have a large backyard that is great place for exercise. 운동하기 좋은 뒷마당이 있다)
Many people probably go to parks for that reason.
<Today's expression>
go for a run 뛰러 가다
go for a walk 산책하러 가다
go for a hike 등산하러 가다
go for a swim 수영하러 가다
I'm going for a run at the park. 뛰러 공원에 가.
11.17 Talk about how reality TV programs have changed over the years
Reality TV programs are becoming very diverse in Korea these days.
다채로워지다, 다양해지다
(*The country has diverse geography. 지리적 환경이 다채롭다
Cultural diversity 문화적 다양성)
In the past, there were mostly reality singing contests.
There are extremely popular, but there were so many of them.
They started to get a bit old.
(*The format, it started to get a bit old 포맷이 식상해졌다.
The food at the cafeteria is getting a bit old, 식당 음식이 식상해졌다)
There are new reality TV programs for dancing, cooking or travelling.
Among them reality cooking programs are all the rage these days.
진짜 인기가 많다. 하늘을 찌르다
(*Mobile games are all the rage among teenagers. 십대들 사이에서 모바일게임이 인기다
Organic foods are all the rage now days. 유기농이 요즘 대인기다.)
Some cooking shows get very high ratings.
시청률이 높다
(*The final episode of that show got very high ratings. 마지막 방송의 시청률이 매우 높았다)
On One popular show, professional chefs compete against each other, using ordinary ordinary ingredients in people's fridges.
(*I'm a good cook 요리를 잘하다 <-> terrible cook)
There are definitely more options to choose from.
선택의 폭이 넓다
(*I think it's great that we have more options to choose from.
I can give you more options to choose from.)
Overall the viewers are enjoying these new reality TV shows.
<Today's Expression>
The show is hilarious. 이쇼 진짜 웃겨, 배꼽잡게 웃겨.
(He is hilarious. 그 남자 진짜 웃겨.)
11. 16 Talk about How you like to dress
I like to follow my own style when it comes to fashion.
나만의 스타일 (own넣어 강조)
(*It's better to follow your own style when it comes to fashion
옷입을 때 자신만의 스타일로 입는 게 좋다)
I like to dress casually most of the time.
입다 대부분
I don't like to dress up too much.
잘 차려입다 (<->dress down 대충대충 입다)
(*It's important to dress up for important occasion
중요한 일에 차려입는 게 중요하다)
I also like clothes that I comfortable, and don't like clothes that I too tight.
As for colors I wear brighter colors in summer and darker colors in fall and winter.
(As for: ~에 있어서는 (화제전환시 많이 쓰는 표현))
I'm interested in a fashion trends, but I don't always follow them.
When I buy the clothes at shopping malls, I just buy things that look good on me.
(*Look good on: 멋지다, 잘 어울리다)
(*This blue tie looks good on anyone. 이 파란색 넥타이는 누가 입어도 예쁘다)
Overall I'm not that fashionable, but I do pay attention to detail when I dress.
그렇게 패션어블하진 않지만, 옷 입을 때 디테일에 신경쓴다.
(* You should pay more attention to detail. 넌 좀더 꼼꼼하게 신경쓸 필요가 있어)
<Today's Expression>
Why are you all dressed up? 왜 그렇게 예쁘게 차려 입은거야?
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