2020년 3월 22일 일요일

입트영 3월 핵심표현 정리 (일부만)

이비인후과 ENT Clinic

Most neighborhood have an ENT clinic.

People go there whenever they have an issue with their ears, noses or throat.

have an issue with~: ~에 문제가 있다

People also go when have a symptom ear or alergy.
비염:; siuns infection
중이염: ear infection

When there's problem with the vocal chor when they loses their voice,
they might go under surgery at an ENT clinic as well. 

You will lose your voice keeping shouting like that. 

The doctor first askeds patients symptoms.

They used endoscope,  to phtoggrahy that is acting up.

act up: 증상이 발현하다

They also when iwhat's wrong.

they also explain treat the symtoms.

Finally they give the patients a prescription and advice for a speedy recovery

for a speedy recovery: 쾌유를 위해
I wish you a speedy recovery. : 쾌유를 빌어요! 

It looks like it. : 그런 거 같네.  
hoarse : 목 


I'm not a picky eater.

I can eat almost anything, from korean food to south east and western food there's nothing I can eat.

I also enjoy spicy foods.

The problem is I have a healthy appetite.

If I'm not careful about portion cotrol, I gain weight  easily.

That's why I try to eat health food If I can.

I try to have a balanced diet and to eat in moderation.

Even When I eat at home I look for a health conscious recipies

If possible I buy organic ingredients.

I try to keep to a minimum the amount of artificial flavours I use.

Eating over salt food is not healthy so I try not to season my food too heavily.

Most of the people in my family share my tastes.

There's usually no problem when we cook and eat together.


Talk about how some people prefer only cold drinks.

There are some people who always drink cold drinks even in the freezing cold.

It's such a widespread trend that there's even a new term to call those people.

If you crunch the numbers from sales date for a coffee chain, you can see that sales of iced drinks increased in theh winter.

The wather was mild during for the winter of 2020. which contributed to the trend.

I get cold easily. That's why I like piping hot drinks, regardless of this trend.

Even during the dog days of summer, I drink warm beverages more often than cold ones.

That's whay I can't wrap my head around people who have iced drinks in the winter.

골치덩어리 - 뱃살

Belly fat is not much to look at. 뱃살은 보기에 그닥 좋지 않다

Cardio exercise is best for burning fat. 유산소운동은 뱃살 빼는데 최고다.

Parkin is a major headache for me. : 주차는 내게 골치거리야.

That's easier said than done. : 말이 쉽지

2019년 9월 14일 토요일

How to deal with fear of starting a new business (19/09/15)

I woke up this morning with fear and anxiety about how to start a new business. I thought about how to deal with that fear and I searched on Google. As I wanted to see how others deal with their fear, and I could a good article related to that.

The below content I extract contains some passages from a article "How to conquer the fears of starting a new business?"and my opinoins which is putting in brackets.

It says, Before staring a business, it's totally normal to feel the fear of the unknown. (What a relieved!) The authour shared some tips that to conquer fears of staring a new business.

1. Start with the reasons why you feel the fears of starting a new business. 

As a first, need to start with the simple question: Why you fear to start a business?

For me, I fear of my lackness, I suspicious that Do I have ability to do that? Even I have done that before? Of course i have not any experiance of it as it's my first business. So I think as a idiot.

(It says, This fear is a good thing. the fear I fee will prepare for the success if I do my homework in the right way. So the fear is like a milestone that indicates what I need to do.)

2. Do you homework, prepare yourself.

(If you know about something, you won't feel fear anymore.
you feel fear becase you don't know enough, that means it's time to research the area of your business.)

Doing something, or better said, taking some first steps as your homework will give you enough encouragement that you need to make the second statge. As you move forward step by step, the fear you feel at the beginning of the process will start diasppearing.

You need to validate your idea befor you start doing anything else.
Simply talk with some potential or target customers about your ideas. Connect the dots between their real problem and what your product or service will solve for them. if they think that your solution is not revolutionary, then you will need to improve your idea.

This is how you should handle your feelings when you wnat to start your own business. Prepare yourself, do your homework.

3. Think about the benefits that you will earn.

Even there are many uncertain things about something new, starting a new business will also give you many benefits like;

the earining potential can be higher;
I will select people with whom I want to work;
I will do something that I love to do if I base my business on my real passion;

But Human beings are more scared of what they could miss out if they do not take specific steps. So, answer following question: What will be missed opportunities that you might have if you don't take those first staeps to start a business?

(Umm. might be I will miss out opportunities that expressing my vision, speaking up my voice, making a good money and having inspired people all over the world with my idea.)

4. Everyone fails, failure is a learinng possibility

Understand that everyone fails. The only people who don't fail are those who never take something, or do something.

Many successful business owners have already failed, not once, but many times before they reach the first success. When they fail, they learn something new. They experience new things. With new knowledge and experiance, they can simply improve their next steps.

5. Complemets your weakness with other persons.

It doesn't mean that you will need to start alone on your entrepreneurial journey. If you want to overcome the fear of not enough experiance, you can find someone experienced to become your partner on your journey.

You will need a business partner that specializes in things that you don't know. This is a good strategy if the fear pervents you from moving forward to become an entrepreneur.

6. Take small steps to your success.

Don't allow to stuck in not taking these first steps because you're afraid that you won't do enough. Simply, start small and take an incremental step. Do your work step by step. You will remove the pressure the pressure from your head, and start accomplishng one little thing everyday. Day after day.

To implement this process, you can start with the following steps:

  • Select one important thing you need to do in the next period of a week or two.
  • Break down the selected thing you want to do  in the smallest possible steps you can take on a daily basis.
  • Schedule these seps to be implemented in the next one week or two.
  • After a week or two, measure your achievement and repeat the whole process.

Stop deaming, and start doing. I believe you will succeed.

2019년 1월 2일 수요일

[입트영] Talk about various road condition (20190103)

Talk about various road conditions

When at the wheel, it is important to keep one's eyes on the road.
운전할 때는 전방을 주시하는게 좋습니다.
- at the wheel(앳더뤼얼): 운전할때
- keep one's eyes on~: ~를 주시하다, 눈을 떼지 않다

The Roadsurface can be slippery after it snows or rains, so it's best to be extra cautious.
비가 오거나 눈이 온 뒤에는 노면이 미끄러울 수 있기 때문에 특히 주의해야 한다.

It's good to keep your speed down and avoid to slam the brakes suddenly.
속도를 줄이는게 좋고, 브레이크를 급제동 하는 걸 피하는 게 좋다.

When it's raining or snowing, the visibility is low which is why drivers need to exercise caution.
비가 오거나 눈이 오면 시야가 짧아져서 운전자들은 주의를 기울여야 합니다. 
-visibility : 시야, 가시거리
- exercise: 실행하다, 운동하다

When it's snowing a lot, it can be for the best to leave the car at home.
눈이 많이 오면 집에 차를 두고 오는게 최선입니다.
- be for the best : 최선이다.

Driving at night also requires more caution.
밤에 운전하는 것도 주의가 필요합니다.

Drivers should turn on their headlamps and keep a close eye on the road conditions.
운전자들은 전조등을 켜고 앞의 상황을 더욱 예의주시해야 합니다.

When there's an accident ahead, there will be heavy traffic.
앞에 사고가 나면 도로가 정체될 겁니다.

There could be debris on the road when passing the site of accident, so it's best to pass carefully. 사고옆을 지날 때는 잔해가 있을 수 있기 때문에 더 주의를 기울여야 합니다.
-debris(디브리-): 잔해 파편

Above all, the first step to safe driving is to stay alert to the movement's of other drivers.
무엇보다 안전한 운전의 첫걸음은 다른차량의 동태를 잘 살피는 것입니다.

2019년 1월 1일 화요일

[입트영] Talk about what you do to keep your teeth healthy


Talk about what you do to keep your teeth health.

I think that good dental heath is utmost important.
치아 건강이 가장 중요하다.

The condition of one's teeth has major impact on eating and also has fundamental out of appearance. 치아상태는 음식을 먹는데 가장 핵심적이고 외모에도 큰 영향을 줍니다.

I brush my teeth three times a day.
하루에 3번 이를 닦는데,

I brush my teeth when I wash up first thing in the morning.
아침에 일어나서 가장 먼저 씻으면서 이 닦는다.

I also bruth at the office after lunch. Once before hit the sack at the night.
점심먹고 회사에서 한번, 자기 전에 한번 닦는다.
-hit the sack: 잠자리에 들다

At night I also clean between my teeth with dental floss.
-dental floss: 치실

I also rinse my mouth with mouthwash to get rid of germs.
-mouthwash: 구강청결제

Going to the dental clinic for regular check-ups is another thing I do for dental health.
정기적으로 치과에 검진을 가는 건 치아건강을 위해 내가 하는 또 다른 일이다.

I visit about twice a year to get rid of plaque by scaling.
일년에 2회 정도는 스케일링 합니다.
-plaque:치석, 치태

I also have teeth checks for cavities.
-cavity: 충치

When my teeth are stained because of coffee I sometime receive teeth whitening treatment.
- be stained: 얼룩이 지다, 더러워지다
-tooth whitening treatment: 치아미백

I had crooked teeth when I was in college, so I got braces
치열이 고르지 않아서 대학교때 교정을 받았다.
-braces: 교정기
-have crooked teeth (크뤼키) : 치열이 고르지 않다

It was a pain in the neck for two years, but my satisfaction level is high.
2년동안 너무 힘들었지만, 만족도는 높았다.
-a pain in the neck: 골칫거리

2018년 8월 6일 월요일

[입트영] Getting ready to board planes (20180807)

Talk about what you do before getting on an airplane.

When I travel overseas, I usually arrive at the airport at least 2 hours ahead of time.

-ahead of time: 사전에 미리

First and foremost, I go to the airline counter and check in for my flight.

- first and foremost:  가장 먼저

I present my passport, check my luggage, and receive my boarding pass.

I can choose a window seat or an aisle seat.

Next, I pass through security with my carry-on luggage.

-carry-on luggage: 탑승스화물

I pass through a metal detector, and check whether I have anything that is banned.

-metal detector: 금속탐지기

There are duty-free shops on the way to the gate, so sometimes I shop for duty-free goods.

Then, I head over to the boarding gate.

-head over to: ~로 향하다

Boarding usually begins 30 minutes before the departure time.

When I board the plane, I find my seat and plane my luggage in the overhead bin.

Finally, I sit down, buckle up, and wait for takeoff.

2018년 8월 1일 수요일

Business Email_ 이직 및 후임 통계

  • 이직 및 후임통계

오늘부로 GE를 떠나게 되었습니다.
Today is my last day at General Electronic.

제 후임으로 현재 스페셜 일렉트릭의 대표로 있는 크리스 리브씨가 오십니다.
My replacement will be Mr. Chris Reeve, who is currently president of Specail Eletric.

리브씨는 이 자리에 매우 뛰어난 적임자입니다.
Mr. Reeve is highly qualified for the position.

리브씨에게 아낌없는 지원을 해주시길 바랍니다.
I'd like to ask you to extend your full support to him.

Sincerely yours,
Laura Green

  • 전근할 때 : I'm going to be transferred to our LA office.

제가 오마하 지사로 전근을 가게 되었음을 알려드리고자 합니다.
I just wanted to let you know that I am going to be transferred to our Omaha Office.

서울에서의 근무는 다음 달에 마치고, 7월 10일부터 오마하에서 일하게 됩니다.
I'm leaving my current job in Seoul next month and will start working at the Omaha office on July 10th.

어떤 도전이 있을지 기대됩니다.
I'm looking forward to the challenges.

그동안 보내주신 지원에 감사드리며, 계속 연락하면서 지냈으면 좋겠습니다.
I would like to thank you for your support and would like to keep in touch with you.
- keep in touch = stay in touch
ex: I hope to stay in touch with all of you.

Thank you and best regards
Glee Kim

  • Top 표현

후임자 소개할 때: introduce
I'd like to introduce our new CFO to you.

퇴임인사 때: come as far as we have 여기까지 오다
Without your help it would have been impossible to come as far as we have.
여러분의 지원이 없었더라면 여기까지 올 수 없었을 겁니다.

연락정보를 알려줄 때: Contact number
I'll give you my new contact number later.
나중에 제 새로운 연락처를 알려드리겠습니다. 

2018년 7월 29일 일요일

[EBS 입트영] 7월 30일 ~

7. 30 . 월
Talk about when you have problems with your credit card

I have had several problems with my credit card.
카드를 쓰면서 여러가지 문제가 있었습니다.

First, My credit card was rejected once.
첫번째로 승인거절을 당한 적이 있습니다.
- be rejected: 승인거절되다

The store emplyee told me that I had maxed out my credit card.
종업원이 신용카드가 한도를 초과했다고 말했습니다.
- max -out: 최대한도에 다다르다

I had charged too much to my card.
이 카드를 너무 많이 썼던 겁니다.

I had to pay with different card.
다른 카드로 지불해야했습니다.

The other time, the IC chip on my card was damaged.
또 한번은 IC 칩이 손상되었습니다.

Card readers coudln't read properly when I swipped it.
카드를 긁었는데 카드리더기가 읽지를 못했습니다.

So I couldn't pay with it.
그래서 지불하지 못했죠.

I had to call the card company's customer support center and had the card reissued.
카드회사 고객지원센터에 전화해서 카드를 재발급 받았습니다.
-issue: 발행하다/ reissue: 재발행하다

Next, I once lost my credit card.
다음엔 신용카드를 분실했습니다.

I turned out my pockets and searched everywhere but I coudn't find it for the life of me.
주머니도 뒤지고 다 뒤져봤는데 도무지 찾을 수가 없었습니다.
- for the life of me: 아무리해도, 도저히

I had to report it  lost and request to have reissued.
분실신고하고, 재발행을 요청했습니다.

After I got the new card and had to reset all the fees were billed automatically to my old card.
새카드를 받고, 예전카드로 자동결제되던 비용을 전부 다시 세팅해야했습니다.