2015년 1월 20일 화요일

[입트영] 1월 셋째주

**이번주 표현들

A lot of people are glue to the phone. ; 사람들이 너무 폰에 붙어있다.
They have a lot in common. ; 우린 공통점이 많다. 
The two cultures have a lot in common.
We became close friends we have a lot in common.
She is a dog person, he is a cat person. 그녀는 개를 좋아하고, 그는 고양이를 좋아한다.
I am a summer person, he is a winter person.
I'm a people person = 나는 사람들을 엄청 좋아한다.
I have a chance to meet my old friend.
They told me  how they met and how they fell in love. ; 사랑에 빠지다.

2015. 1. 22

* Talk about when you last went to hail salon (뒤에 강세)

I wanna put my hair up/down (머리를 올리거나 내리고 싶어요)
I got my shampoo my hair, dried my hair.

The last appointment that I made with my hair dresser was two weeks ago.
(hair designer, hair dresser, hair stylist 다 비슷함)

I needed to get a hair cut. (머리를 잘라야 한다)

I called the hair salon and made an appointment on Saturday.

I went there on time(제 시간에: Can you make on time?제 시간에 올 수 있겠어?)
(get/go on time: 제시간에 가다)
(Hurry up, otherwise You won't be able to go there on time)

, gave them my name.

First they shampooed (머리를 감다) my hair and then my hair dresser asked me what I wanted.

I didn't wanna big change, so I just trimmed  (다듬다) my bangs (앞머리) little bit.
(get bangs: 앞머리를 만들다)
(you can get bangs to look younger)

After I was done, they washed and dried my hair.

I then went to the counter, paid for the hair cut.

Overall My hairdresser did a very good job

I was satisfied with the new look. (새로운 모습에 만족하다)
( you look smarter when you hair up)

I want to get bangs. (앞머리 만들고 싶어)
you could look little younger with bangs.

2015. 01. 21

*Talk about appointment you make in your life

(*appointment: 1:1 서비스를 받는 예약에서 쓰는 개념. 클라이언트와 약속 있을 때도 씀.
친구와 약속 있을 때는 meeting up을 쓰고, 호텔, 레스토랑은 reservation을 씀)

I make various appointments in my life.

I make doctor appointments, dentist appointments, hair appointments.

I need to go see the doctor(동네병원에 가다), I call and make an appointment first,

I make regular appointments at the dentist (at the hair salon, at the nail salon) as well.

I go there to check-ups (정기검진) or get my teeth cleaned.(스케일링받다)

I also make an appointment to get my hair done.
(go to dye my hair: 전체염색을 하러간다,
go to get roots done: 뿌리염색 하러간다,
go to get a perm: 파마하러 간다)

I sometimes dye my hair or get a hair treatment.

I make all my appointments over the phone. (전화상으로)

Overall I can save time by making appointments, Because I don't have to wait.

I cancelled my appointment, because I'm not feeling well.

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