12.11 Talk about cooking shows in Korea
Cooking shows have become main stream in Korea these days.
요리쇼가 대세가 되고 있다
(*Black boxes for car have become main stream in Korea. 블랙박스는 한국에서 대세다)
You can come across these programs on almost all TV channels.
예기치않게 발견하다
These shows aren't just ordinary cooking programs.
They are very entertaining and fun to watch
(*The show is both entertaining and informative. 그 쇼는 오락성과 정보성을 모두 갖췄다)
As they have well-known TV stars cook various dishes themselves.
They are also many shows hosted by star chefs.
진행하는, 이끄는
We are seeing more and more chefs enjoying celebrity status because of these shows.
유명세를 치르다
As a result, many youngsters are aspiring to become chefs these days.
젊은이들 (강하게) 열망하다
(*My son is aspiring to become a chef. 아들이 요리사가 되고 싶어한다)
The recipes are posted in online and many viewer try making the dishes themselves.
Plus due to theses programs, people have become more health-conscious about the food they eat. 건강을 신경쓴다
(*My mom used to be very health-conscious about the food. 엄마는 먹는 것에 굉장히 신경쓰셨다.
You need to be more health-conscious. 너 건강 좀 챙겨라)
**The show gets high rating. 그 쇼는 시청률이 높아.
**I didn't know you are into cooking. 니가 요리에 관심있는지 몰랐네.
12. 10 Talk about electric mats and blankets
My parent have electric mat on their bed.
(pillowcase :베갯잇)
It keeps them warm during night.
따뜻하게 해준다
(*Long johns will keep you warm in the winter. 내복이 겨울에 따뜻하게 해줄거야.)
(*Padded jacket 패팅점퍼/패딩자켓)
They say it saves them money on heating,
난방에 돈을 절약할 수 있다
As you don't have heat the whole house all night long.
밤새 집 전체에 난방을 하다
(*Heating the whole house costs you a lot of money. 집 전체를 난방하면 돈이 많이 든다)
I personally have an electric blanket at home.
I got it as a gift from my sister.
~에게 받았다 (=it was a gift from ~)
I use it in the winter to keep myself warm when I sleep.
It's very soft and it helps me get a good night's sleep.
숙면을 취하다, 푹 자다 (아침 및 밤인사로 쓸 수 있음)
(*This pillow helps me get a good night's sleep.)
Electric mats or blankets are very useful,
But we have to be careful when we are using them.
You can get a burn if they are too hot.
(*get a burn : 화상입을 수 있다, 데이다 /get a cut: 베이다)
(Be careful not to get a burn. 화상입지 않게 조심해.
I got a burn on my leg. 다리에 화상 입었어.)
They are known to cause fires as well.
~라고 알려져 있다/ 화재를 유발하다
(*Battery can cause fires if they get overheated. 배터리가 과열되면 화재를 유발할 수 있다)
(cigarette butt can easily cause fires. 담배꽁초는 화재를 유발할 수 있다)
So we have take cation when using them.
**my feet and hands get cold easily at night. 밤에 손발이 쉽게 차진다.
** get a good night's sleep 푹 자다. 숙면을 취하다
12.9 Talk about when you got parking tickets.
I remember when I got a parking ticket near my house.
(*get a parking ticket/speeding ticket/traffic ticket: 주차위반/속도위반/신호위반 딱지를 떼다)
I pulled over for about 10 mins on the street.
잠깐 차를 세우다
(*Police officer asked me pull over.경찰관이 차를 세우라고 했다)
I didn't realize there was a camera ahead.
바로 앞에
Cars were not allowed to park for longer than 5 mins on that street.
허용되지 않는다
I got a ticket for illegal parking in the mail two weeks later.
불법주차딱지를 받다
There was also another time when I parked my car on the road in the down town area.
I came back a few hours later and found the parking ticket on the windshield.
(*roll up/ down the window: 차창을 올리다/내리다)
It was in the form of the sticker and it didn't come off very well.
~의 형태 (얼룩을)지우다, 떼내다
In fact it was so hard to completely scrape off the sticker.
(scrape off: 긁어 없애다, scratch off: 손톱으로 긁어 없애다)
For both instance I had to pay a fine for illegal parking.
불법주차에 대한 범칙금 내야했다
**They tow away illegally parked car. 불법 주차된 차를 끌고간다.
12. 8 Talking about Valet Parking
Parking is not easy at some restaurants or bars in downtown areas.
시내, 도심 (=downtown)
You are likely to see valet parking services at these places.
볼 것이다
(*Their valet parking service is very reliable. 그들의 발렛파킹은 믿을 수 있다)
Some coffee shops or hotels and hair salons have valet parking as well.
미용실 (이발소는 barber shop) 발렛파킹를 제공한다/있다
It is very convenient because you can just drop your car off at the door.
차를 입구에 맡기다
(*drop off : 내려주다, 맡기다
You can just drop your car off at the valet parking booth. 발렛파킹부스에 차를 맡길 수 있다)
When you leave, you just give them a notice and they bring your car to you very quickly.
(*give a notice 언질/정보를 주다)
Unlike in the U.S where you tip the valet parkers,
미국과 다르게 발레 주차요원
there is free-set fee they charge you in Korea.
정해진 요금
(*There is free set fee for each services. 서비스마다 정해진 요금이 있다)
It's only a dollar or two unless it was at a major hotel.
Hotels charge you quite a lot for valet parking.
요금을 청구하다
***I valet parked my car. 차를 발레파킹했어.
=valet (동사로 써서 발레파킹하다.)
I pick up my car. 차를 가지러 간다. (<-> I drop off my car.)
12. 7. Talking about parking your car in various places
There isn't enough parking space at where I live.
(*the movie theater does not have enough parking space
영화관에 주차공간이 충분하지 않다)
It's almost impossible to find the place to park late at night.
찾기 어렵다
Newer apartments have plenty of parking space,
최근 충분한, 여유가 있는
(*we have plenty of time. 시간이 충분해.)
but My apartment is a bit old and wasn't built with the big enough parking lot.
Meanwhile it's not easy to park your car when there are a lot of customers at places like discount stores.
It can take forever to park at times.
정말 오래 걸린다 가끔씩
(*it can take forever to park at this time of day. 이 시간에 주차하는데 진짜 오래 걸린다)
Also parking can be hard at places with the busy night life.
밤에 북적거리는 곳
I once went to a gathering and it took me longer than half an hour to find the spot to park.
There are pay parking lots here and there.
But they charge a lot money for parking in most cases.
(*they are infamous for charging a lot of money for parking 거기는 주차요금 비싸기로 악명높아. (인포머스; 악명높은))
<Today's Expression>
Where did you park your car?
I think I parked my car on underground level 4. 지하 4층에 주차했다.
Are you sure?
I'm quite positive.
Cooking shows have become main stream in Korea these days.
요리쇼가 대세가 되고 있다
(*Black boxes for car have become main stream in Korea. 블랙박스는 한국에서 대세다)
You can come across these programs on almost all TV channels.
예기치않게 발견하다
These shows aren't just ordinary cooking programs.
They are very entertaining and fun to watch
(*The show is both entertaining and informative. 그 쇼는 오락성과 정보성을 모두 갖췄다)
They are also many shows hosted by star chefs.
진행하는, 이끄는
We are seeing more and more chefs enjoying celebrity status because of these shows.
유명세를 치르다
As a result, many youngsters are aspiring to become chefs these days.
젊은이들 (강하게) 열망하다
(*My son is aspiring to become a chef. 아들이 요리사가 되고 싶어한다)
The recipes are posted in online and many viewer try making the dishes themselves.
Plus due to theses programs, people have become more health-conscious about the food they eat. 건강을 신경쓴다
(*My mom used to be very health-conscious about the food. 엄마는 먹는 것에 굉장히 신경쓰셨다.
You need to be more health-conscious. 너 건강 좀 챙겨라)
**The show gets high rating. 그 쇼는 시청률이 높아.
**I didn't know you are into cooking. 니가 요리에 관심있는지 몰랐네.
12. 10 Talk about electric mats and blankets
My parent have electric mat on their bed.
(pillowcase :베갯잇)
It keeps them warm during night.
따뜻하게 해준다
(*Long johns will keep you warm in the winter. 내복이 겨울에 따뜻하게 해줄거야.)
(*Padded jacket 패팅점퍼/패딩자켓)
They say it saves them money on heating,
난방에 돈을 절약할 수 있다
As you don't have heat the whole house all night long.
밤새 집 전체에 난방을 하다
(*Heating the whole house costs you a lot of money. 집 전체를 난방하면 돈이 많이 든다)
I personally have an electric blanket at home.
I got it as a gift from my sister.
~에게 받았다 (=it was a gift from ~)
I use it in the winter to keep myself warm when I sleep.
It's very soft and it helps me get a good night's sleep.
숙면을 취하다, 푹 자다 (아침 및 밤인사로 쓸 수 있음)
(*This pillow helps me get a good night's sleep.)
Electric mats or blankets are very useful,
But we have to be careful when we are using them.
You can get a burn if they are too hot.
(*get a burn : 화상입을 수 있다, 데이다 /get a cut: 베이다)
(Be careful not to get a burn. 화상입지 않게 조심해.
I got a burn on my leg. 다리에 화상 입었어.)
They are known to cause fires as well.
~라고 알려져 있다/ 화재를 유발하다
(*Battery can cause fires if they get overheated. 배터리가 과열되면 화재를 유발할 수 있다)
(cigarette butt can easily cause fires. 담배꽁초는 화재를 유발할 수 있다)
So we have take cation when using them.
**my feet and hands get cold easily at night. 밤에 손발이 쉽게 차진다.
** get a good night's sleep 푹 자다. 숙면을 취하다
12.9 Talk about when you got parking tickets.
I remember when I got a parking ticket near my house.
(*get a parking ticket/speeding ticket/traffic ticket: 주차위반/속도위반/신호위반 딱지를 떼다)
I pulled over for about 10 mins on the street.
잠깐 차를 세우다
(*Police officer asked me pull over.경찰관이 차를 세우라고 했다)
I didn't realize there was a camera ahead.
바로 앞에
Cars were not allowed to park for longer than 5 mins on that street.
허용되지 않는다
I got a ticket for illegal parking in the mail two weeks later.
불법주차딱지를 받다
There was also another time when I parked my car on the road in the down town area.
I came back a few hours later and found the parking ticket on the windshield.
(*roll up/ down the window: 차창을 올리다/내리다)
It was in the form of the sticker and it didn't come off very well.
~의 형태 (얼룩을)지우다, 떼내다
In fact it was so hard to completely scrape off the sticker.
(scrape off: 긁어 없애다, scratch off: 손톱으로 긁어 없애다)
For both instance I had to pay a fine for illegal parking.
불법주차에 대한 범칙금 내야했다
**They tow away illegally parked car. 불법 주차된 차를 끌고간다.
12. 8 Talking about Valet Parking
Parking is not easy at some restaurants or bars in downtown areas.
시내, 도심 (=downtown)
You are likely to see valet parking services at these places.
볼 것이다
(*Their valet parking service is very reliable. 그들의 발렛파킹은 믿을 수 있다)
Some coffee shops or hotels and hair salons have valet parking as well.
미용실 (이발소는 barber shop) 발렛파킹를 제공한다/있다
It is very convenient because you can just drop your car off at the door.
차를 입구에 맡기다
(*drop off : 내려주다, 맡기다
You can just drop your car off at the valet parking booth. 발렛파킹부스에 차를 맡길 수 있다)
When you leave, you just give them a notice and they bring your car to you very quickly.
(*give a notice 언질/정보를 주다)
Unlike in the U.S where you tip the valet parkers,
미국과 다르게 발레 주차요원
there is free-set fee they charge you in Korea.
정해진 요금
(*There is free set fee for each services. 서비스마다 정해진 요금이 있다)
It's only a dollar or two unless it was at a major hotel.
Hotels charge you quite a lot for valet parking.
요금을 청구하다
***I valet parked my car. 차를 발레파킹했어.
=valet (동사로 써서 발레파킹하다.)
I pick up my car. 차를 가지러 간다. (<-> I drop off my car.)
12. 7. Talking about parking your car in various places
There isn't enough parking space at where I live.
(*the movie theater does not have enough parking space
영화관에 주차공간이 충분하지 않다)
It's almost impossible to find the place to park late at night.
찾기 어렵다
Newer apartments have plenty of parking space,
최근 충분한, 여유가 있는
(*we have plenty of time. 시간이 충분해.)
but My apartment is a bit old and wasn't built with the big enough parking lot.
Meanwhile it's not easy to park your car when there are a lot of customers at places like discount stores.
It can take forever to park at times.
정말 오래 걸린다 가끔씩
(*it can take forever to park at this time of day. 이 시간에 주차하는데 진짜 오래 걸린다)
Also parking can be hard at places with the busy night life.
밤에 북적거리는 곳
I once went to a gathering and it took me longer than half an hour to find the spot to park.
There are pay parking lots here and there.
But they charge a lot money for parking in most cases.
(*they are infamous for charging a lot of money for parking 거기는 주차요금 비싸기로 악명높아. (인포머스; 악명높은))
<Today's Expression>
Where did you park your car?
I think I parked my car on underground level 4. 지하 4층에 주차했다.
Are you sure?
I'm quite positive.
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