2014년 11월 25일 화요일

[문법] 분사구문 격파하기


형용사 역할을 하는 현재분사 (-ing)와 과거분사 (-ed)를 이용해서, 
명사와 대명사에 대해서 보충 설명하는 것.
두가지 동작을 한번에 나타낼때 사용.

-현재분사: -ing는 능동의미 (~한, ~하는)
-과거분사:-ed는 수동의미 (~되어진, ~된)

분사는 품사로는 형용사이기 때문에 명사, 대명사를 수식해주는 한편,
동사의 성격도 지니고 있어서 뒤에 목적어가 따라온다. 재밌는 녀석이네.
ex) Wearing a cap, he is my brother.


분사를 이용하여 부사절을 간단하게 부사구로 고친 것.
부사구가 주절을 부사적으로 수식할 때 분사구문이라 하며, 때와 시간/이유, 원인/ 조건/ 양보/ 부대상황(동시동작, 연속동작)을 표시하는 접속사 뜻이 내포돼 있다

*분사구문 만들기
접속사를 없애고 -> 주절과 주어가 같으면 주어를 없애고 -> 동사를 분사형태로 바꾼다

*분사구문을 절로 고치기
적당한 접속사를 넣고 -> 주절이나 일반 주어 중 알맞은 놈으로 보충한뒤 -> 분사를 시제에 맞춰 알맞은 동사형으로 바꾼다.

1. ~하다가, ~하면서 (동시에)
 -ing는 앞뒤 상관없지만, 이땐 뒤쪽이 좀더 많음.

She slipped getting off a bus (미끄러졌어, 버스 내리면서)
Did you cut yourself shaving? (너 벴어? 면도하다가?)

2. ~해서 (Because)
 -ing가 먼저 오는 경우 많음.

Feeling tired, I went home early. (피곤해서, 일찍 집에 갔어)
Having nothing to do, I want to sleep (할일 없어서, 자고 싶어)

3. ~할 때, ~하면 (When or if)

Turning to the right, you can find me (오른쪽으로 돌면, 나 찾을 수 있어)
Studying English, don't touch your phone. (공부할 땐, 폰 만지지마)

4. having done 형태 (상대과거) 
한 동작이 다른 동작보다 먼저 일어난 경우, 먼저 일어난 동작을 having done 형태로 써줌.
 ~한 후, ~하고나서 (after) 의미 많음.

Having finished her work, she went home. (그녀는 일이 끝난 후, 집으로 갔어)
Having had dinner, I continued to study. (저녁을 먹고나서, 공부를 계속했어.)

참조: http://ilikeen.tistory.com/233

*분사구문 종류
1. 시간 때 (~하는 동안에, ~할 때에)
-When, while, after, as 등

(Being) Left alone, I began to read.
-> When I was left alone, I began to read.

2. 원인, 이유 (~이므로, ~때문에)
-접속사 as

Not knowing what to do, I asked for his advice.
->As I didn't know what to do, I asked for his advice.

3. 조건 (~한다면)

Some books, read carelessly, will do more harm than good.
->Some books, if they are read carelessly, will do more harm than good.

4. 양보 (비록 ~한다 할지라도, ~한다 하더라도)

Born of the same parents, they bear no resemblance to each other.
->Though they were born of the same parents, they bear no ~

5. 부대상황을 나타내는 부사구
(부대상황이란, 분사구문을 적당한 부사절로 바꿀수 없어서 and로 연결시켜 동작의 연속으로 보던가, 아니면 동시동작으로 보아 while 또는 as로 연결시켜 부수적 동작을 나타내는 것이다.)

1) 동시동작 (~하면서)
-While, as

Smiling brightly, she extended her hand.
-> While she smiled brightly, she extended her hand.

2) 연속동작 (그리고~하다)
~and + 동사

We started in the morning, and arrived in Seoul at noon.
-> We started in the morning arriving in Seoul at noon.

6. 분사구문 뜻이 모호할 때, 혼동되는 것을 방지하기 위해 해당접속사를 앞에 넣는 경우도 있다.

While bathing in the river, he was drowned.

7. 완료 분사구문
-단순형 분사는 본동사와 시제가 같지만, 완료형 분사는 본동사 시제보다 한 시제 앞선다.

Having lived in the country, she is healthy.
->As she has lived in the country, she is healthy.

8. 수동분사구문
Being +pp 형태를 취하지만 being은 생략을 원칙으로 한다.
과거분사로 시작되며 수동의 의미를 가진 분사구문.

(Having been) Printed in haste, the book has many mistakes.
->As the book was printed in haste, the book has many mistakes.

9. 독립분사구문
주절의 주어와 다를 경우, 분사앞에 주어를 첨가해 나타내주어야 한다.
분사구문이 자체의 주어를 갖는 것

The sun having set, we gave up looking for them
->After the sun had set, we gave up looking for them.

We shall start tomorrow, weather permitting.
->We shall start tomorrow, if (the)weather permits.

10. 비인칭 독립분사구
의미상 주어가 필요하지만, 그것이 we, you, they, people, one 처럼 막연한 일반을 나타날 땐 생략

Generally speaking, our country lacks natural resources.
->If we speak generally, our country lacks natural resources.

Talking of ~에 관한 이야기라면
Granting that ~을 시인한다 해도
Considering ~에 비하면
Compared with ~에 비교하면
Supposing that 만약 ~이라면, 만약 ~하더라도


2014년 11월 19일 수요일

[읽기]How To Break Approval Seeking Habits

Part III - How To Break Approval Seeking Habits

This is Part 3 in a 3 part series on how to build your self esteem by learning to stop needing approval. 
Part 1 - A Quick Way to Build Your Self Esteem - Stop Needing Approval 
Part 2 - How To Stop Needing Approval 

The following are some of the most common habits you may use to seek approval from others.
Once you're aware of what you're doing, it's then just a matter of changing your behaviour.
Judging Others
When you walk into a room full of people, what’s the first thing you do?
Is it to size everyone up and think, “Oh, she looks mean” or “He’d never talk to me” or “That’s the popular group, better not make eye contact with any of them”. If you are, then you're trying to judge people before they can judge you.
By pre-judging people, you cause a lot of your own grief and make yourself feel much worse than you need to. You don’t want people to judge you yet you’ve gone ahead and pre-judged them. Stop judging and just be in the moment. Remember that everyone has so much more to offer than what you see at first glance. (Watch my Confidence Secrets video for more on this)
Trying to Impress Others to Make Them Like You
You’ve probably heard sayings like, “You have 10 seconds for someone to make up their mind about you” and “You need to impress people to get them to like you.” By thinking this way, you put a lot of unneeded stress on yourself.
Also, think to a time when you first met someone and you knew they were trying so hard to get you to like them.
How did you feel about that?
Most likely, it put you off because they were trying too hard. You would have liked to have them just be themselves, to relax, and be natural. Or it may make you feel suspicious about them as in why are they trying so hard? Do you see what I mean? If you try to impress people, most likely you won’t. If you relax and just be yourself, you will impress people.
Trying to impress others also means that you miss out on a lot. You won't hear large parts of conversations because you tune the other person out while you try to think of something clever or witty to say or think about what story you know which will beat their tale. You'll be so intent on your own image that you don't simply enjoy the conversation or hear what that person has to say or even get to know that other person. You become so focused on yourself that nothing else matters.
For your efforts to gain approval, all you'll end up with is feeling empty and insecure. You’ll probably rerun the event over and over in your head thinking you weren’t good enough. When, if you hadn’t worried about impressing others but rather concentrated on the moment, you might have made a new friend, or learned something valuable, or just had a good laugh about something. You would have then have good memories of the event instead of beating yourself up over it.
Adding Your Own Beliefs To What You Hear
You may feel that you don’t have someone’s approval when really you do. The other person just hasn’t said anything or you may be reading something into the situation that isn’t there. The temptation might be to start thinking about what ulterior motives they have for what they say. For example, if someone gives you a compliment, You may also be adding your own story to it. You may think, “They’re only being nice to me because they feel sorry for me.” Let your life story go and just listen to people and what they say literally. Don’t add your own beliefs to it.
“Our interpretations of what we hear people say to us are often far more painful or frightening than what people actually say. We can hurt ourselves with our misconceptions and our thinking for others.” - Byron Katie
Not Minding Your Own Business
What you think and what you choose to spend your time thinking about is completely your own business. What someone else thinks is their own business. You wouldn’t want someone else telling you what to think, so why do you try to control other people’s opinion of you? They’re allowed to think whatever they want. That’s their right. Just as it’s your right to have your opinion. So, don’t worry about what others think, just respect their opinion. You don't have to agree with it, just respect that they're entitled to their own thoughts.
Instead, ask yourself, “is this something I approve of myself for doing?” It’s your opinion which matters the most.
If you’re busy thinking what someone else should be doing, then you’re not paying attention to your own business. As soon as you say things like, “he should spend more time with me”, “she should appreciate what I’ve done for her”, or “he should get a better job”, you are not minding your own business.
Life is just so much easier if you just concentrate on what you need to do. Other people can take care of their own lives. You just need to focus on your own. So, the next time you start thinking, "he should listen to me", tell yourself, to mind your own business and then ask youself, "what should I be doing?". In this case, the answer most likely will be something like, "I should be listening to me."
You may also be distracting yourself from dealing with your own issues by focusing on what you think needs to be fixed in someone else's life. You ignore your own needs. Focus on your own life. Pay attention to what it is that you want and what you need. By doing this, you will gain approval from others because you know what you want. People respect those that know what they want.
What if they don’t approve of you?
Do you really need this person’s approval? Will you stop breathing and die if you don’t get it? Of course not. You may be putting too much emphasis on someone else's opinion. It really doesn’t matter what they think as long as you’re happy with what you’ve done.
Focus on others or the present moment 
If you find that you’re afraid of saying something because you’re worried people will think your comment is stupid, well stop thinking about yourself. Think about the situation. Be in the present moment. What are they discussing? Focus on that.
Being Overly Polite
Do you make excuses or apologies in order to defend yourself or give a better opinion of yourself?
Even though we think that being polite is about being considerate of others, many times it's about trying to create a better impression of yourself. It's not your fault the document isn't finished or that you were late or that you forgot to pick someone up. Usually, it's all an attempt to manage your self image. Pay attention to what excuses you are providing and then ask yourself why you feel the need to do this.
Breaking Your Approval Habits is Worth It
Once you understand that searching for approval in others is really a clue to what you need to give yourself, you will feel just an overwhelming sense of relief.
You can now simply enjoy conversations with others without stressing yourself out trying to think of something clever or witty to say. You won’t interrupt people and will calmly let them finish their sentences, you won’t be tuning out, you won’t be apologizing or making excuses for your actions. This will all instantly disappear because you no longer need approval from others.
Your self esteem will rise instantly by leaps and bounds. Your whole life will be completely different. So, let it go and just know, YOU DON’T NEED anyone else's approval because you approve of you. And, that's one of the biggest secrets to enjoying life. Give yourself what you need and you will get it from others. 

An average man is too concerned with liking people or with being liked himself. A warrior likes, that’s all. He likes whatever or whomever he wants, for the hell of it. - Carlos Castaneda

Read The Entire Book

cover of
This series of articles on approval seeking is based on my book, "How Do I Stop Caring What People Think Of Me?". In this book I provide everything you need to know to stop seeking approval from others. 130 pages.
It's an ebook you download to your computer so you can be reading the solutions to your problem within minutes.