2014년 12월 28일 일요일

[Article] 55 Tips to lose weight for Good

The secret to permanent weight loss can be found in your daily decisions. It's about switching from diets and quick fix solutions to permanent lifestyle change. We all know someone (maybe it's you?) who wants to lose weight but quit after two to four weeks. Results didn't happen fast enough. Or it wan't any fun. For whatever reason, you gave up If you want to finally lose weight and keep it off for good, you have to master consistency and small doable changes. Sound cliche? Something you've heard before? Well, then why do so many people have trouble losing weight? I'm mot belittling anyone who has headed down this path before. Your journey isn't about being perfect, it's about making progress. My goal is to empower you and let you know, it's going to take some time. It's all about decisions you make day in and day out. Weight loss is about feeling in control of you decisions, allowing a little leeway here and there and staying focused on your long-term goal. It's about patience and  positivity.

Tweak your lifestyle little by little until you are loving how you live and loving how you look and feel. Come on now, I'm here for you! Here are 55 tips to move you in the right direction.

Weight Loss Motivation

1. Set a small, specific goal. Stick it on the fridge or your bathroom mirror.

2. Use your scale as a gauge to track your progress and not as a body-shaming device.

3. Take before and after pictures. You won't believe how much real proof motivates.

4. Buy a new outfit that you want to rock. Hang it where you can see it daily for a visual reminder to stick to your goals. Or reward your small wins with new workout gear!

5. Focus only on losing the next two pounds. Whether you want to lose 10 pounds or 100pounds, focusing on micro-goals can keep you from feeling overwhelmed. Think two pounds at a time.

6.  Try on your jeans once a week to gauge how you are doing.

7. Surround yourself with support. Support can be friends, family, inspirational images, a fitness app, or all of the above.

8. Make a list of what works for you and keep doing those things. Now you have your own little success list.

9. Visualize the way you want to look.

10. Cancel negative thoughts and replace with positive thoughts. Practice the pisotive and build it up over time like a muscle.

11. Find someone to be your accountability partner.

12. Celebrate your small wins and share your progress with a Facebook post, Tweets or Instagram pic.

13. Practice self-compassion. Stop beating yourself up for missing a workout. Stop regretting what you ate. Practice kindness and understanding with yourself and simply make a better choice next time. Guess what? You are human and that's okay.


14. Vary up your workouts.Don't Groundhog Day your workouts. Avoid having each day look the same.

15. Incorporate strength training and focus on specific muscle groups. Avoid exercising the same muscle groups two days in a row.

16. Track your exercise. You can use an app like MyfitnessPal, RunKeeper, or you can go old school and write it down on a calendar. Logging your workouts gives you an immediate sense of accomplishment.

17. Warm up. You will  accomplish more and stay injury-free.

18. Have a workout DVD ready to go for those days when it's dark, rainy, snowy or cold and you don't want to venture out or to the gym. Now you've got your Plan B in place.

19. Download a new fitness app. Try my free e-book about my eight favorite apps.

20. Aspire to sweat from exercise at  least three times a week.

21. Don't overtrain. Signs of over-training include irritability, tension, restless sleep, aches and pains and a decline in athletic performance.

22. Do some bodyweight exercise weekly.

23. Stretch after you workout when your body is warm.

24. Sigh up to your first %K to jog or walk and catch the motivation of a crowd.

25. Try my plank challenge.

26. Master the micro-workout. Even if you only have 10 minutes, use those 10 minutes wisely.

27. Use hand weights and resistance bands at home for some bonus strength-training.

28. Breathe deeply during your workouts. Your muscles and body need oxygen to work effectively.

29. Schedule exercise like an appointment.

30. Do something active with your family at least once a week.

31. Add intensity to your workouts; Add time, speed or effort to your regular workout to take it up a notch.

32. Put your treadmill on an incline and vigorously move your arms while you walk.

33. Join a group fitness class.


34. Eat fiber-rich foods like green beans, broccoli, avocado, bananas, spinach, pears, Brussels sprouts, oranges, apples, beets, almonds, beans, brown rice, flax seeds, bokchoy, cabbage, carrots, cauilflower and raspberries.

35. Calories are the holy grail of weight loss. Keep your eye on your portions.

36. Keep a food journal. Tracking keeps you more aware of your chices all day long.

37. Eat clean. Stop eating foods that come in a package and try to eat more foods that come from the earth.

38. Set it and forget it. Make slow cooker meals to eat healthy and keep you life easy breezy. (well, at least you dinner)

39. Give up soda and diet soda.

40. Eat healthy fats like olive oil, nuts, avocado and seeds.

41. Schedule planned indulgences. You can enjoy your favorites without any guilt nonsense.

42. Shop the perimeter of your grocery store. Try and reduce the amount of packaged and boxed items in you grocery cart.

43. Have a prep day. Cut up veggies and have them ready to go in the fridge. Make up a batch of brown rice or cut up a rotisserie chicken for salads or snack. Make some healthy grab and go snacks. Make eating healthy easier for you to do.

44. Add more protein to your diet; lentils, beans, quinoa, eggs, fish and lean meats.

45. Creates a fail-safe environment. Make a list of our trigger foods (those you can't stop eating if they are in the house) and don't buy them. Why make it harder for yourself?

46. Try healthier dessert recipes.

47. Drink water all day. Start you day with a tall glass of lemon water. Squeeze about a half of a lemon into your room temperature water. So simple, and yet so good for your body, Read more about lemon water and how it benefits our body.

Life style.

48. Love your music playlist. Music motivates. Music YOU love motivates. You more.

49. Sleep seven to eight hours each night.

50. Stand up more thatn you sit down. If your job doesn't allow for that stand up once an hour and try to sit less when you aren't at work.

51. Quiet your mind. Use blocks of your time to unplug, enjoy the silence, recharge and organize your thoughts.

52. Switch from diets to lifestyle change. Diets are temporary and something you are on or off, lifestyle is permanent.

53. Get regular health screenings for blood pressure and cholesterol. If your numbers are good you will want to keep doing what you're doing. If they aren't so good, your numbers will motivate you to change some habits.

54. Spend time in nature to clear space for your mind and stay focused on your goals.

55. Follow some fitness enthusiasts on social media. Are we connected on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram? I'm here for you.

Are you ready to lose weight and not find it again? I'd love to hear form you and your journey in the comments below.

2014년 12월 23일 화요일

[Speech] A beautiful mind

Thank you, I've always believed in numbers, equations and logic that lead to reason.
but after a lifetime  of such pursuits,  I ask.

What truly is logic?
Who decides reason?

My quest has taken me through the Physical, the Metaphysical, the delusional. and back.

I've made the most important discovery in my career,
, Most important discovery of my life;
It is only in the  mysterious equations of love that any logic or reasons can be found.

I'm only here tonight because of you.
You'r the reason I am.
You'r all my reasons.

Thank you. 

[입트영] 12월 3째주

[12.24] Tell us about your plan on Christmas Eve

Many of my friends go to church on Christmas eve.
I don't go to church, I usually hang out with friends.
(*Hang out: spend time with someone. 가볍게 만나 어울리는 정도)

Down town area get pretty wild on this state.
(*wild: full of energy, Energetic)
There are tons of youngsters out on the streets trying to enjoy themselves.
Restaurants, clubs and bars get packed with people.
(get pack : 사람들이 꽉 차다)
Everything is more expensive than usual on this state.
Christmas is good excuse to stay out all night.

Of course people typically spend time with significant others on Christmas Eve.
(*'significant other' = Important to you, 애인, 배우자 등.
Lover는 어감이 좀 이상함. 일상적으로 쓰기엔..금지된 사랑같은 어감)

I'm not seeing anyone right now, so i just probably party with friends.
(Seeing someone : 만나고 있는 사람)

#What are you doing for Christmas Eve?
-We're going to party all night.

Shame on me! (부끄러워)
Once bitten, twice shy. (자라보고 놀란 가슴 솥뚜껑 보고 놀란다)

[12.25] Talk about international rising Korean food

Korean cuisine(쿼지인; 정식요리) is becoming more popular.
Korea has been working hard to get Korean food international recognition.(인지도)
There is major campaign to globalize Korean cuisine.
Civic group have been putting together (주최하다, 기획하다) food festival and expos to spread the Korean cuisine.
One huddle is that foreign pronouncing Korean dishes.
That's why many popular dishes have been renamed for the international audience.
There is no doubt that Korean food is very tasty (delicious는 보다 공적인 표현, tasty를 더 많이 씀) and healthy.
It won't be long before we will see Korean food all over the world.

# Do like sea food?
I'm more a bit meat person. (성향) 

[12.31] Talk about 윷놀이

윷놀이 is traditional board game Koreans enjoy playing 

It is most often played New year's holiday

The biggest characteristic about 윷놀이 is that there are Four wooden stick that are used to use dice.  

These stick called 윷

(they allowed to player one to move head 
you get four playing pieces 
either one space backward)

If you get five or four, you get another turn.
Each player has four playing pieces.
If you move all four pieces around board first, you win the game.

A players playing piece can be bumped out of the board 

2014년 12월 16일 화요일

[Karmic path] The way of Enchantment

The Way of Enchantment마법의 길 

Sagittarius - Capricorn Cusp to Gemini - Cancer Cusp
궁수자리(11.22~12.20) - 염소자리(12.21~1.22) 끝에서 쌍둥이자리(5.22~6.21) - 게자리 끝 (6.22~7.22)

Prophecy to Magic
예언에서 마법으로

Those on the Way of Enchantment are destined to find a way to emerge from the shell they hide in and to express the more feminine side of their nature by becoming more compassionate, nurturing, and loving. Prone to emotional dormancy, the men and women on this karmic path must learn how to reach out to others, thereby allowing them to share their unique brand of inspiration and magic. Goal- and career-oriented, this karmic path calls those on it to let relationships be the center of their life. Thus they will learn lessons on love and loving, and as they learn, they will open to the enchantment of everyday life. As their emotional lives open and flow, they will blossom into individuals who give light and inspiration to others.

이 '마법의 길'에 있는 사람들은 그들이 숨어있는 껍질에서 나올 방법을 찾고, 보다 관대로워지고, 양육하고, 사랑하는 것을 통해 그들 본성 중 보다 여성적인 측면을 표현하도록 된 운명이다.  감정적으로 휴면하는 경향이 있는 이 운명의 길에 있는 남성과 여성들은  다른 이들에게 어떻게 접촉해야하는 지를 반드시 배워야 한다. 그럼으로써 그들이 가진 독특한 영감과 마법을 나눌 수 있다. 이 운명의 길은 목표지향적이고 성취지향적인 이 길의 사람들에게 '관계'를 그들 삶의 중심에 둘 것을 요청한다. 그러므로 그들은 사랑과 사랑하는 것을 배울 것이고, 그들이 배움에 따라 그들은 매일의 삶에서 마법을 이룰 것이다. 그들의 감정적인 삶이 열리고 흐름에 따라 그들은 다른 이들에게 빛과 영감을 주는 존재로 꽃피우게 될 것이다.

: Moving into the light of a relationship from the shadows of a solitary life
고독한 삶의 그림자로 부터 벗어나 관계의  빛으로 옮겨가기

To reach out of themselves and touch those around them
자신으로부터 뻗어나와 주위의 사람들에게 가 닿기

The way of Enchantment symbolically links two of the most powerful points of the year, the winter and summer solstices. Ancient peoples recognized and celebrated these periods in the yearly cycle in order to harness their energy and magic. Thus there is something indescribable, even mystical, about this karmic path. Those born to it come into this lifetime with core energies that are at once deeply profound and difficult to embody, as well as express. Individuals on this karmic path begin their journey at the Cusp of Prophecy, the winter solstice, and thus have characteristics that reflect that time of the year. As the amount of available daylight is at its nadir, it is a time of contracting, going within, and preserving energy. This time is symbolized by seed energy. Within the seed exist all the power and potential of the plant, but in an extremely contracted from.

마법의 길은 상직적으로 연중 가장 강력한 두 지점인-하지와 동지를 잇는다. 고대 사람들은  이를 알았고, 그들의 에너지와 마법을 이용하기 위해 이 기간을 축복했다. 그러므로 이 운명의 길에는 말할 수 없는, 신비롭기까지 한 뭔가가 있다. 이런 핵심에너지들을 가지고 이번 생애에 태어난 이들은 즉시 아주 심오하고, 상징하거나 표현하는 것 조차 어렵다.
이 운명의 길에 태어난 이들은 예언의 정점인 동지에서 그들의 여정을 시작한다. 그러므로 그때의 시기를 반영하는 특성을 가진다. 가능한 낮의 빛 양이 최저이기 때문에 축소하는 시간이다. 안으로 들어가고 에너지를 보존한다. 이 시간은 씨앗의 에너지로 상징된다. 씨앗 안에는 식물이 가지는 모든 힘과 잠재력이 존재한다. 그러나 아주 극도로 축소된 형태다.

The men and women on the Way of Enchantment tend to be withdrawn and to keep their inner beauty and considerable understanding under wraps. Born with what can be termed old souls, the individuals on this path are attracted to ancient philosophies and religions. They possess a profound depth of wisdom that seems to originate at their very core. Highly intuitive, even psychic, they know to themselves. However, their inscrutable and rather cool facade should not be mistaken for a lack of passion. Though never obvious to others, their profundity brings with it emotions that are deeply felt.

 마법의 길에 있는 남성과 여성은 내성적이고, 내면의 아름다움과 깊은 이해를 비밀로 둔다. 오래된 영혼으로 불릴 수 있는 이들은 고대의 철학과 종교에 매료된다. 그들은 그들의 아주 핵심에서 온 것 같은 심오한 경지의 지혜를 가진다. 매우 직감적이고, 초자연적이기까지해서 그들은 그들이 자신에 대해 알고 있는 것을  간직하길 선호한다. 그러나 그들의 가늠할 수 없고 다소 냉담한 겉모습이 열정의 부족으로 오해되어선 안된다. 다른이들에겐 절대 명백하지 않더라도, 그들의 깊이는 그들이 깊이 느끼는 감정을 수반한다.

In early life, the individuals on the Way of Enchantment tend to be extremely focused on their careers and goals. Requiring little from others, they keep to themselves and are self-protective.It may be difficult for them to reach out to others, and they rarely allow others close enough to them to become true intimates. Quite shy and serious, few choose to try to cross the invisible barriers they throw up around themselves. They are solitary and like it that way. There is something wounded about these souls that doesn't seem to heal. And it is this that keeps them in retreat from the world and in a posture  of defense. In some cases the wound originated in childhood, when they were criticized too severely or neglected in someway. Or the simple fact may be that, as psychically sensitive as they are, as children it was difficult for them to handle the overload of impressions their gift gave them. Alternatively, perhaps no one believed them when they gave voice to their psychic awareness. Whatever the cause, those on this karmic path don't see the world as a particularly friendly place and prefer to make sure it can't hurt them in any way.

초기에 마법의 길에 있는 개인들은 그들의 경력과 목표에 극단적으로 초점을 맞추는 경향이 있다. 다른 사람들을 거의 필요로 하지 않고, 그들 자신을 지키고 자기보호한다.  다른 이들에게 다가가는 것이 어려울 수 있으며 그들은 정말로 친밀해질만큼 다른 이들이 그들에게 충분히 다가오도록 거의 허용하지 않는다. 꽤 수줍고 심각해서, 자신들 주변에 쳐놓은 보이지 않는 장벽을 건너도록 시도하기를 거의 선택하지 않는다.  그들은 고독하고 혼자임을 좋아한다. 거기엔 치유되지 않은 어떤 상처가 있다. 그들을 세계로부터 물러나게 하고 자기 방어를 하게 한다. 일부 경우 어린 시절,그들이 아주 심각하게 비판받거나 거절당했을 때에 초래된 상처들이다.  아니면 단순히 그들이 정신적으로 민감해서, 어렸을 때 그들에게 주어진 선물로 받은 인상의 과부하를 다루기가 어려워서일 수 있다. 아니면 아무도 그들이 영혼의 깨어남에 대한 목소리를 내었을 때 그들을 믿지 않았을 수 있다. 이유가 무엇이든, 이 운명의 길에 있는 자들은 이 세상을 특별히 친절한 곳으로 보지 않고, 어떤 방식으로든 자신을 해할 수 없도록 하길 선호한다.

The goal for the individuals on this karmic path is to reach out of themselves to connect with others and show the world who they are and what they know. The Gemini-Cancer destination of this karmic path, the summer solstice, is a time of great
 fecundity. Thus, the men and women on the Way of Enchantment are called to allow their souls to blossom forth from the seed potential that they keep hidden from the world. There is much about these individuals that promises extraordinary spiritual and creative fulfillment. By nature, they are already plugged into the world of spirit. It it their task to begin to act as a conduit for it. But for this to occur, those on this path must embrace their feminine wisdom and the qualities it represents.

이 길에 있는 이들의 목표는 자신으로부터 뻗어나와 다른 이들과의 연결하는 것이며 그들이 누구고 그들이 무엇을 알고 있는지 세상에 보여주는 것이다. 이 운명의 길의 쌍둥이-게자리의 목적지는 '하지'다.  엄청난 생산력, 창조력의 시간이다. 그러므로 이 마법의 길에 있는 남성과 여성은 그들의 영혼에 깃든, 그들이 세상으로부터 숨긴 씨앗의 잠재력을 밖으로 꽃피우도록 요구받는다. 거기엔 특별하게 영적이고 창조적인 충족이 크게 약속돼 있다. 본성에서 그들은 이미 세계의 영혼에 연결돼 있다. 그들의 임무는 그를 위해 연결하는 행동을 시작하는 것이다. 그러나 이것이 일어나기 위해선 이 길의 사람들은 그들의 여성적인 지혜와 그것이 표현하는 자질들을 포용해야만 한다.

 Encouraging their own feelings and instincts and their nurturing, fertile, and creative side, as well as honoring their extraordinary intuitive faculties by giving them expression, will help those in this path to open up to others and to life. Those on the Way of Enchantment must learn to live from this feminine viewpoint and, in so doing, give their emotions expression, The verdant, chaotic profusion of summer cannot be denied. These souls' progress can be likened to the sap beginning to flow through trees as spring approaches or to the waters of springs and rivers starting to flow with the winter thaw. The waters of life, feeling, and inspiration must ultimately become a flow of love. True fulfillment will come to those on the Way of Enchantment only when they reveal their souls to others as they love. Loving from the very depths of their hearts will illuminate their lives with the miracle and magic of everyday enchantment.

그들만의 느낌과 본능, 그들이 가진 양육하고 비옥하고 창조적인 면을 격려하는 것과 함께 그들의 비범한 직관적 재능들을 표현하도록 존중해주는 것이 이 길의 사람들이 다른 이들과 삶에 열릴 수 있게 도울 것이다.  마법의 길에 있는 사람들은 그들의 여성적인 관점에서 사는 것을 배워야 하고 그렇게 함으로서 그들의 감정들을 표현한다. 여름의 혼란스러운 풍부함의 녹지대는 거부될 수 없다. 이 영혼들의 과정은 말하자면 봄이 와서 수액이 나무를 타고 흐르기 시작하거나 겨우내 얼었던 물이 풀려 샘물과 강물이 흐르기 시작한 것이라고 할 수 있다. 인생, 감정, 영감의 물들은  반드시 궁극적으로 사람의 흐름이 된다. 오직 그들이 자신의 영혼을 그들이 사랑하는 이들에게 드러내 내보일 때만, 마법의 길에 선 이들에게 진정한 만족이 찾아올 것이다. 가슴에서 우러나온 대단히 심오한 사랑은 그들의 삶을 기적과 황홀한 일상의 마법으로 빛나게 할 것이다.

Release 놓아버릴 것
: The need to be self-protective
자신을 보호할 필요

Reward 보상
: The joy of loving and being loved
사랑하고 사랑받는 즐거움

The karmic journey for the men and women on the Way of Enchantment is to move out of the shadows into the light. By overcoming their shyness or fear and finding within themselves the ability to reach out to others and to express emotion, those on this karmic path will also reach within to draw on their own brand of charm. It should be remembered that the summer solstice is the most light-filled day of the year. Bringing their unique brand of magic to others by sharing their wisdom, depth of feeling, and ability to see the mystical or miraculous in everyday life is their way of drawing on the light of divine inspiration in order to reflect it back, moon-like, on others. As much as they may struggle with the inner wounds that hold them back, it is only in giving to others in loving kindness that these shamanic individuals will heal themselves. Though shy and withdrawn, those on the Way of Enchantment in truth possess an inherent generosity.

이 마법의 길에 있는 남성과 여성을 위한 운명의 여정은 그림자에서 나와 빛으로 움직여 가는 것이다. 그들의 부끄러움이나 두려움을 극복하고 그들 안에서 다른 이들에게 다가가는 능력을 찾고 감정을 표현함으로서 이들은 자신만의 고유한 매력을 끌어당기는 것에 손쉽게 가닿을 것이다. 기억해야할 것은 하지는 일년 중 가장 많은 빛이 차는 날이라는 것이다. 그들의 지혜와 감정의 깊이, 일상의 신비로움이나 기적을 보는 능력을 공유하는 것은 그들만의 독특한 마법을 다른 이들에게 가져다 준다. 이는 신성한 영감의 빛을 끌어오는 그들만의 방법으로 다른이들에게 마치 달처럼 그 빛을 반사하기 위함이다.  이들은 자신이 끌어안고 있는 내면의 상처만큼 고군분투할지 모른다. 오직 다른 이들에게 사랑스런 친철함으로 주는 것이야말로 이 주술적인 사람들은 자신을 치유할 것이다. 부끄럽고 내성적임에도 마법의 길에 있는 이들은 실제론 타고난 관대함이 있다.

They give quite willingly in backhanded or even anonymous ways. As they emerge from their shells, they become more and more oriented toward giving outwardly. Some on this karmic path may drop out of the corporate life to drop on their strengths, becoming intuitive healers, such as therapists, body workers, hypnotists, or workers in any others occupation that involves nurturing and supporting others, thus embodying the archetype of the wounded healer. Others will find useful ways to put their career success to work, for example by utilizing their influence to promote pet charities or service organizations. Over time, those on the Way of Enchantment will redirect the flow of their lives from objective to more personal or universal concerns in order to work for some greater good or for the good of their loved ones.

그들은 꽤 기꺼이 남모르게 하거나 익명의 방법으로 준다. 그들이 자신의 껍질로부터 나와 점점 더 바깥을 향해 주는 성향을 드러낸다. 이 운명의 길의 누군가는 비지니스 삶을 그만두고 자신의 힘을 믿고  테라피스트, 시술자, 최면술사와 같은 직관적인 힐러가 되거나, 또는 다른 일들을 교육하고 지원해주는 것과 연관된 어떤 직업에 종사하는 사람이  될 지 모른다. 그렇게 함으로서 상처입은 치유자의 전형을 구현한다.  다른 이들은 그들의 직장에서 경력을 성공으로 이끌 효과적인 방법을 찾을 것이다. 예를 들어 애완동물 기금을 장려하거나 서비스 조직을 장려하기 위해 그들의 영향력을 사용하는 것이다. 시간이 지남에 따라, 마법의 길에 있는 자들은 그들의 삶을 흐름을 물질적인 것에서 좀더 개인적인 것이나 공동의 관심사로 바꿀 것이다. 더 큰 미덕을 위해 일하거나 그들이 사랑한 사람들을 위한 행복을 위해서.

Suggestion 제안
: Focus less on yourself. Move your orientation away from your inner life and out toward others. Even if it's hard in the beginning, free your emotions; as they flow, they will find their own level. Step out of the shadows and into the light. 
자신에 대해 주의를 덜하라. 너의 방향성을  내면의 삶으로부터 다른 이들에게로 옮겨라. 처음엔 힘들겠지만, 감정을 자유로이 두라. 감정이 흐름에 따라 스스로 자신의 레벨을 찾을 것이다. 그림자로부터 나와 빛으로 걸어 가라.  

As they allow their inner light to shine forth, those on this karmic path will begin to attract others, and their  lives, often so solitary in early years, will become filled with warm and loving relationships. Gradually, relationships will become the center of their lives. They will learn many lessons in this arena, since in some ways error will guarantee that they'll experience a few knocks, but it is imperative that they not scurry back to isolationism or self-protection when hurt. The discovery and experience of love in its many forms are the destiny of these individuals. Truly, "it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." This karmic path calls those on it to discover and express the many forms of love: the love of friendship, the love of master and disciple, the love of parent for child, the love in romance and marriage, even the love found in devotion to God.

그들이 자신의 내면의 빛을 앞으로 빛나게 함에 따라, 이 운명의 길에 선 이들은 다른 이들을 매혹하게 될 것이고, 그들의 인생, 종종 고독했던 유년시절은 따뜻함과 관계의 사랑으로 가득차게 될 것이다. 단계적으로 관계는 그들 삶의 중심이 된다. 그들은 이 분야에서 많은 것을 배울 것이다. 어떤 점에서 실수가 그들이 몇몇 실패를 경험하도록 하긴 하겠지만, 그렇다고 고립이나, 상처입었을때 자기방어로 뒷걸음질치지 않도록 하는 것은 필수적인 일이다.
많은 형태의 사랑을 경험하고 발견하는 것은 이들의 운명이다. "사랑하고 잃는 것은 전혀 사랑해보지 않은 것보다 낫다"는 건 진실이다. 이 운명의 길은 이들에게 아주 많은 사랑의 형태를 발견하고 표현하길 요구한다. 우정의 사랑, 스승과 제자의 사랑, 아이에 대한 부모의 사랑, 사랑과 결혼, 신에 대한 헌신으로 발견되는 사랑까지도.

Balance Point 균형점
: Contraction and Expansion 축소와 팽창

Many on this karmic path will encounter soul mates on their journey. It will be quite obvious when people begin to do the work of this path. They will begin to appear to be lit from within by a soft, warm glow and the air around them will appear to contain light. In short, they will appear to be in love.

이 운명의 길의 많은 이들이 그들의 여정에서 소울 메이트를 만날 것이다. 이 길에서 일하기 시작할 때 그것은 꽤 명백해진다. 그들은 부드럽고 따뜻한 온기를 지는 빛나게 나타나기 시작할 것이고, 그들 주위의 공기는 빛을 포함해 나타날 것이다.
즉, 그들은 사랑으로 나타날 것이다.

In fact, the story inherent in the journey of this karmic path can be compared to that of the Fisher King. In the tale, the king is wounded and, as a result the kingdom of which he is a symbol is barren, a wasteland. The wound will not heal unless someone retrieves the Holy Grail, the cup or platter that symbolically holds the waters of life. Along comes a young hero, the Grail Knight, whose many adventures along the way include falling in love and failing in his first attempt to heal the king because he didn't listen to his inner voice. After further trials, Parsifal, the hero of the tale, renounces convention and acts from his heart and out of compassion, thus healing the king. Likewise, opening to the waters of love and expressing the compassion born of that love will heal those on this karmic path.

사실 이 운명의 여정에서 타고난 이야기는 피셔킹과 견줄 수 있다. 이야기에서 왕은 상처를 입고, 그 결과로 왕의 상징이던 왕국은 불모지가 되어 폐허가 되었다. 상처는 누군가 성배-상징적으로 생의 물이 담아둔 컵이나 접시-를 되찾아주진 않는한 치유되지 않을 것이다. 사랑에 빠진 것을 포함해 수많은 모험을 시도한성배의 기사인 젊은 영웅이 왔다. 왕을 치유하려는 첫번째 시도는 실패로 돌아갔다. 왜냐하면 그는 자신의 내면의 목소리를 듣지 않았기 때문이다. 더 많은 시도 뒤에, Parsifal이라는 영웅이 규정/인습/관습을 포기하고 그의 가슴과 연민에서 우러나오는 행동을 함으로써 왕을 치유했다.  
마찬가지로 사랑의 흐름에 마음을 열고 사랑에서 태어난  연민을 표현하는 것은 이 운명의 길에 선 이들을 치유할 것이다.

* February 8-15
Aquarius 3

Independent to a fault, the restless souls born in this week who travel the Way of Enchantment may nevertheless resist some of its challenges and fail to share their deeper emotions or to cultivate the broader spiritual need for variety, may find themselves too busy or preoccupied to open themselves on a more intimate level, others will manifest a rather irritating neediness until they come to terms with the idea that one must be willing to give in order to receive. Once they become more confident of their ability to bring joy to others and to express their love of humanity in more personal forms of connection, they will discover a wealth of inner resources and strengths. And if they keep in mind that their profound emotions and insights are gifts meant to be shared with the world and not secrets to be kept, all will go brilliantly.

지나치게 독립적이고, 끊임없이 활동하는 영혼으로 이번 주에 태어난 사람은 일부 도전에 저항하고 그들의 깊은 감정을 나누거나 다방면에서 더 많은 영적인 필요를 구하는데 실패할지도 모르는 '마법의 길'을 여행한다. 아마 스스로 너무 바쁘거나 자신을 좀더 친밀한 수준으로 여는 것에 걱정할 지도 모른다.
그들이 사람은 받기 위해선 주어야만 한다는 생각에 동의할 때까지는, 다른이들은 다소 짜증나는 궁핍함을 증명할 것이다. 만약 그들이 다른사람들에게 기쁨을 주고 좀더 인간적인 연결 형태로 그들의 인류애를 표현하는 그들의 능력에 좀더 자신을 가지기만 하면,
그들은 내면 자원의 부와 힘을 발견할 것이다. 그리고 그들이 그들의 심오한 감정과 통찰력이비밀로 간직하는 것이 아니라 세상과 나누기 위한 선물이라는 것을  기억한다면, 모든 것이 찬란하게 빛날 것이다.

2014년 12월 11일 목요일

[Pop] Maps-Maroon5

I miss the taste of a sweeter life
행복했던 시절이 그리워
I miss the conversation
그때의 대화도 그리워
I’m searching for a song tonight
오늘밤을 위한 노래 하나를 찾고 있어
I’m changing all of the stations
라디오의 모든 채널을 돌리면서
I like to think that, we had it all
난 우리가 했던 모든 것들을 생각하길 좋아해
We drew a map to a better place
우리는 더 나은 곳으로 가기 위해 지도도 그렸지
But on that road I took a fall
그런데 그 길에서 난 넘어졌어
Oh baby why did you run away?
넌 왜 도망간거니?

I was there for you In your darkest times
난 니가 가장 힘들때 네 곁에 있어줬는데
I was there for you In your darkest nights
난 네가 가장 힘든 시간에 네 곁에 있어 줬는데
But I wonder where were you?
근데 넌 어디에 있었던거야?
When I was at my worst Down on my knees
내가 가장 힘들때, 주저앉았을때
And you said you had my back
그리고 넌 내 편이 되주겠다고, 내 뒤에 있어주겠다고 했잖아
So I wonder where were you?
그래서 니가 어디에 있었는지 궁금해
all the roads you took came back to me
니가 갔던 길들이 모두 내게로 돌아오는 길이야

So I’m following the map that leads to you
그래서 난 네게로 가는 지도를 따라가고 있어
The map that leads to you
네게로 가는 지도
Ain't nothing I can do
내가 할 수 있는 건 없어
The map that leads to you
네게로 가는 지도
Following, following, following to you
따라가 따라가 따라가 네게로
The map that leads to you
네게로 가는 지도
Ain't nothing I can do
내가 할 수 있는 건 없어
The map that leads to you
네게로 가는 지도
Following, following, following
따라가는거야 따라가는 거야 따라가는거야

I hear your voice in my sleep at night
밤에 꿈에서 네 목소리를 들어
Hard to resist temptation
유혹을 거부하기 힘들어
'Cause all these strange has come over me
이 이상한 모든게 내게 밀려왔거든
And now I can’t get over you
난 널 잊을 수가 없어
No, I just can’t get over you
맞아 난 널 그냥 잊어버릴 수가 없어

I was there for you In your darkest times
난 네가 가장 힘들때 네 곁에 있어줬는데
I was there for you In your darkest nights
난 네가 가장 힘든시기에 네 곁에 있어줬는데
But I wonder where were you?
근데 넌 어디있었던거야?
When I was at my worst  Down on my knees
내가 무릎을 꿇었던, 가장 힘들었던 때
And you said you had my back
넌 내 뒤를 지켜줄거라 말해놓곤 
So I wonder where were you?
그래서 니가 어디에 있었는지 궁금해
all the roads you took came back to me
니가 갔던 모든 길들이 내게로 돌아와
So I’m following the map that leads to you
그래서 난 네게로 향하는 그 지도를 따라가, 
The map that leads to you
네게로 향하는 그 지도
Ain't nothing I can do
내가 할 수 있는 건 그거뿐이야
The map that leads to you
네게로 향하는 그 지도
Following, following, following to you
따라가 따라가 따라가 네게로
The map that leads to you
네게로 향하는 그 지도
Ain't nothing I can do
내가 할수 있는건 그거뿐이야
The map that leads to you
네게로 향한 그 지도

Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Yeah yeah yeah
Oh oh oh

Oh, I was there for you
Oh, in your darkest time
Oh, I was there for you
Oh, in your darkest nights

Oh, I was there for you
Oh, in your darkest time
Oh, I was there for you
Oh, in your darkest nights

But I wonder where were you?
When I was at my worst
Down on my knees
And you said you had my back
So I wonder where were you?
When all the roads you took came back to me

So I’m following the map that leads to you
The map that leads to you
Ain't nothing I can do
The map that leads to you
Following, following, following to you
The map that leads to you
Ain't nothing I can do
The map that leads to you
Following, following, following

2014년 12월 9일 화요일

[speech] A time to kill (201401210)

I had a great summation all worked out, full of some sharp lawyering. But I'm not going to read it. I'm here to apologize. I am young and I am inexperienced.

But you cannot hold Carl Lee Hailey responsible for my shortcomings. you see, in all this legal maneuvering something has gotten lost, and that something is the truth.

Now, it is incumbent upon us lawyers not to just talk about the truth, but to actually seek it, to find it, to live it. My teacher taught me that. Let's take Dr.Bass, for example. Now, obviously I would have never knowingly put a convicted felon on the stand-- I hope you can believe that. But what is the truth? That he is a disgraced liar? And what if I told you that the woman he was accused of raping was 17, he was 23, that she later became his wife, bore his child and is still married to the man today. Does that make his testimony more or less true?

What is it us that seeks the truth? Is it our minds or is it our hearts?

I set out to prove a black man could receive a fair trial in the south, that we are all equal in the eyes of the lay. That's not the truth, because the eyes of the law are human eyes-- your and mine--and until we can each other as equals, justice is never going to be evenhanded. It will remain nothing more than a reflection of our own prejudices, so until that day we have a duty under God to seek the truth, not with our eyes and not with our minds where fear and hate turn commonality into prejudice, but with our hearts -- where we don't know better.

Now I wanna tell you a story. I'm gonna ask ya'all to close your eyes while I tell you this story. I want you to listen to me. I want you to listen to yourselves.

This is a story about a little girl walking home from the grocery store one sunny afternoon. I want you to picture this little girl. Suddenly a truck races up. Two men jump out and grab her. They drag her into a nearby field and they tie her up, and they rip her clothes from her body. now they climb on, first one then the other, raping her, shattering everything innocent and pure--vicious thrusts--in a fog of drunken breath and sweat. And when they're done, after they killed her tiny womb, murdered any chance for her to bear children, to have life beyond her own, they decide to use her for target practice. So they start throwing full beer cans at her. They throw 'em so hard that it tears the flesh all the way to her bones-- and they urinate on her.

Now comes the hanging. They have a rope; They tie a noose. Imagine the noose pulling tight around her neck and a sudden blinding jerk. She's pulled into the air and her feet and legs go kicking and they don't find the ground. The hanging branch ist't strong enough. It snaps and she falls back to the earth. So they pick her up, throw her in the back of the truck. and drive out to Foggy Creek Bridge and pitch her over the edge. And she drops some 30 feet down to the creek bottom below.

Can you see her? Her raped, beaten, broken body, soaked in their urine, soaked in their semen, soaked in her blood--left to die.

Can you see her? I want you to picture that little girl.
Now imagine she's white.
The defense rests your honor.


2014년 11월 25일 화요일

[문법] 분사구문 격파하기


형용사 역할을 하는 현재분사 (-ing)와 과거분사 (-ed)를 이용해서, 
명사와 대명사에 대해서 보충 설명하는 것.
두가지 동작을 한번에 나타낼때 사용.

-현재분사: -ing는 능동의미 (~한, ~하는)
-과거분사:-ed는 수동의미 (~되어진, ~된)

분사는 품사로는 형용사이기 때문에 명사, 대명사를 수식해주는 한편,
동사의 성격도 지니고 있어서 뒤에 목적어가 따라온다. 재밌는 녀석이네.
ex) Wearing a cap, he is my brother.


분사를 이용하여 부사절을 간단하게 부사구로 고친 것.
부사구가 주절을 부사적으로 수식할 때 분사구문이라 하며, 때와 시간/이유, 원인/ 조건/ 양보/ 부대상황(동시동작, 연속동작)을 표시하는 접속사 뜻이 내포돼 있다

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접속사를 없애고 -> 주절과 주어가 같으면 주어를 없애고 -> 동사를 분사형태로 바꾼다

*분사구문을 절로 고치기
적당한 접속사를 넣고 -> 주절이나 일반 주어 중 알맞은 놈으로 보충한뒤 -> 분사를 시제에 맞춰 알맞은 동사형으로 바꾼다.

1. ~하다가, ~하면서 (동시에)
 -ing는 앞뒤 상관없지만, 이땐 뒤쪽이 좀더 많음.

She slipped getting off a bus (미끄러졌어, 버스 내리면서)
Did you cut yourself shaving? (너 벴어? 면도하다가?)

2. ~해서 (Because)
 -ing가 먼저 오는 경우 많음.

Feeling tired, I went home early. (피곤해서, 일찍 집에 갔어)
Having nothing to do, I want to sleep (할일 없어서, 자고 싶어)

3. ~할 때, ~하면 (When or if)

Turning to the right, you can find me (오른쪽으로 돌면, 나 찾을 수 있어)
Studying English, don't touch your phone. (공부할 땐, 폰 만지지마)

4. having done 형태 (상대과거) 
한 동작이 다른 동작보다 먼저 일어난 경우, 먼저 일어난 동작을 having done 형태로 써줌.
 ~한 후, ~하고나서 (after) 의미 많음.

Having finished her work, she went home. (그녀는 일이 끝난 후, 집으로 갔어)
Having had dinner, I continued to study. (저녁을 먹고나서, 공부를 계속했어.)

참조: http://ilikeen.tistory.com/233

*분사구문 종류
1. 시간 때 (~하는 동안에, ~할 때에)
-When, while, after, as 등

(Being) Left alone, I began to read.
-> When I was left alone, I began to read.

2. 원인, 이유 (~이므로, ~때문에)
-접속사 as

Not knowing what to do, I asked for his advice.
->As I didn't know what to do, I asked for his advice.

3. 조건 (~한다면)

Some books, read carelessly, will do more harm than good.
->Some books, if they are read carelessly, will do more harm than good.

4. 양보 (비록 ~한다 할지라도, ~한다 하더라도)

Born of the same parents, they bear no resemblance to each other.
->Though they were born of the same parents, they bear no ~

5. 부대상황을 나타내는 부사구
(부대상황이란, 분사구문을 적당한 부사절로 바꿀수 없어서 and로 연결시켜 동작의 연속으로 보던가, 아니면 동시동작으로 보아 while 또는 as로 연결시켜 부수적 동작을 나타내는 것이다.)

1) 동시동작 (~하면서)
-While, as

Smiling brightly, she extended her hand.
-> While she smiled brightly, she extended her hand.

2) 연속동작 (그리고~하다)
~and + 동사

We started in the morning, and arrived in Seoul at noon.
-> We started in the morning arriving in Seoul at noon.

6. 분사구문 뜻이 모호할 때, 혼동되는 것을 방지하기 위해 해당접속사를 앞에 넣는 경우도 있다.

While bathing in the river, he was drowned.

7. 완료 분사구문
-단순형 분사는 본동사와 시제가 같지만, 완료형 분사는 본동사 시제보다 한 시제 앞선다.

Having lived in the country, she is healthy.
->As she has lived in the country, she is healthy.

8. 수동분사구문
Being +pp 형태를 취하지만 being은 생략을 원칙으로 한다.
과거분사로 시작되며 수동의 의미를 가진 분사구문.

(Having been) Printed in haste, the book has many mistakes.
->As the book was printed in haste, the book has many mistakes.

9. 독립분사구문
주절의 주어와 다를 경우, 분사앞에 주어를 첨가해 나타내주어야 한다.
분사구문이 자체의 주어를 갖는 것

The sun having set, we gave up looking for them
->After the sun had set, we gave up looking for them.

We shall start tomorrow, weather permitting.
->We shall start tomorrow, if (the)weather permits.

10. 비인칭 독립분사구
의미상 주어가 필요하지만, 그것이 we, you, they, people, one 처럼 막연한 일반을 나타날 땐 생략

Generally speaking, our country lacks natural resources.
->If we speak generally, our country lacks natural resources.

Talking of ~에 관한 이야기라면
Granting that ~을 시인한다 해도
Considering ~에 비하면
Compared with ~에 비교하면
Supposing that 만약 ~이라면, 만약 ~하더라도


2014년 11월 19일 수요일

[읽기]How To Break Approval Seeking Habits

Part III - How To Break Approval Seeking Habits

This is Part 3 in a 3 part series on how to build your self esteem by learning to stop needing approval. 
Part 1 - A Quick Way to Build Your Self Esteem - Stop Needing Approval 
Part 2 - How To Stop Needing Approval 

The following are some of the most common habits you may use to seek approval from others.
Once you're aware of what you're doing, it's then just a matter of changing your behaviour.
Judging Others
When you walk into a room full of people, what’s the first thing you do?
Is it to size everyone up and think, “Oh, she looks mean” or “He’d never talk to me” or “That’s the popular group, better not make eye contact with any of them”. If you are, then you're trying to judge people before they can judge you.
By pre-judging people, you cause a lot of your own grief and make yourself feel much worse than you need to. You don’t want people to judge you yet you’ve gone ahead and pre-judged them. Stop judging and just be in the moment. Remember that everyone has so much more to offer than what you see at first glance. (Watch my Confidence Secrets video for more on this)
Trying to Impress Others to Make Them Like You
You’ve probably heard sayings like, “You have 10 seconds for someone to make up their mind about you” and “You need to impress people to get them to like you.” By thinking this way, you put a lot of unneeded stress on yourself.
Also, think to a time when you first met someone and you knew they were trying so hard to get you to like them.
How did you feel about that?
Most likely, it put you off because they were trying too hard. You would have liked to have them just be themselves, to relax, and be natural. Or it may make you feel suspicious about them as in why are they trying so hard? Do you see what I mean? If you try to impress people, most likely you won’t. If you relax and just be yourself, you will impress people.
Trying to impress others also means that you miss out on a lot. You won't hear large parts of conversations because you tune the other person out while you try to think of something clever or witty to say or think about what story you know which will beat their tale. You'll be so intent on your own image that you don't simply enjoy the conversation or hear what that person has to say or even get to know that other person. You become so focused on yourself that nothing else matters.
For your efforts to gain approval, all you'll end up with is feeling empty and insecure. You’ll probably rerun the event over and over in your head thinking you weren’t good enough. When, if you hadn’t worried about impressing others but rather concentrated on the moment, you might have made a new friend, or learned something valuable, or just had a good laugh about something. You would have then have good memories of the event instead of beating yourself up over it.
Adding Your Own Beliefs To What You Hear
You may feel that you don’t have someone’s approval when really you do. The other person just hasn’t said anything or you may be reading something into the situation that isn’t there. The temptation might be to start thinking about what ulterior motives they have for what they say. For example, if someone gives you a compliment, You may also be adding your own story to it. You may think, “They’re only being nice to me because they feel sorry for me.” Let your life story go and just listen to people and what they say literally. Don’t add your own beliefs to it.
“Our interpretations of what we hear people say to us are often far more painful or frightening than what people actually say. We can hurt ourselves with our misconceptions and our thinking for others.” - Byron Katie
Not Minding Your Own Business
What you think and what you choose to spend your time thinking about is completely your own business. What someone else thinks is their own business. You wouldn’t want someone else telling you what to think, so why do you try to control other people’s opinion of you? They’re allowed to think whatever they want. That’s their right. Just as it’s your right to have your opinion. So, don’t worry about what others think, just respect their opinion. You don't have to agree with it, just respect that they're entitled to their own thoughts.
Instead, ask yourself, “is this something I approve of myself for doing?” It’s your opinion which matters the most.
If you’re busy thinking what someone else should be doing, then you’re not paying attention to your own business. As soon as you say things like, “he should spend more time with me”, “she should appreciate what I’ve done for her”, or “he should get a better job”, you are not minding your own business.
Life is just so much easier if you just concentrate on what you need to do. Other people can take care of their own lives. You just need to focus on your own. So, the next time you start thinking, "he should listen to me", tell yourself, to mind your own business and then ask youself, "what should I be doing?". In this case, the answer most likely will be something like, "I should be listening to me."
You may also be distracting yourself from dealing with your own issues by focusing on what you think needs to be fixed in someone else's life. You ignore your own needs. Focus on your own life. Pay attention to what it is that you want and what you need. By doing this, you will gain approval from others because you know what you want. People respect those that know what they want.
What if they don’t approve of you?
Do you really need this person’s approval? Will you stop breathing and die if you don’t get it? Of course not. You may be putting too much emphasis on someone else's opinion. It really doesn’t matter what they think as long as you’re happy with what you’ve done.
Focus on others or the present moment 
If you find that you’re afraid of saying something because you’re worried people will think your comment is stupid, well stop thinking about yourself. Think about the situation. Be in the present moment. What are they discussing? Focus on that.
Being Overly Polite
Do you make excuses or apologies in order to defend yourself or give a better opinion of yourself?
Even though we think that being polite is about being considerate of others, many times it's about trying to create a better impression of yourself. It's not your fault the document isn't finished or that you were late or that you forgot to pick someone up. Usually, it's all an attempt to manage your self image. Pay attention to what excuses you are providing and then ask yourself why you feel the need to do this.
Breaking Your Approval Habits is Worth It
Once you understand that searching for approval in others is really a clue to what you need to give yourself, you will feel just an overwhelming sense of relief.
You can now simply enjoy conversations with others without stressing yourself out trying to think of something clever or witty to say. You won’t interrupt people and will calmly let them finish their sentences, you won’t be tuning out, you won’t be apologizing or making excuses for your actions. This will all instantly disappear because you no longer need approval from others.
Your self esteem will rise instantly by leaps and bounds. Your whole life will be completely different. So, let it go and just know, YOU DON’T NEED anyone else's approval because you approve of you. And, that's one of the biggest secrets to enjoying life. Give yourself what you need and you will get it from others. 

An average man is too concerned with liking people or with being liked himself. A warrior likes, that’s all. He likes whatever or whomever he wants, for the hell of it. - Carlos Castaneda

Read The Entire Book

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This series of articles on approval seeking is based on my book, "How Do I Stop Caring What People Think Of Me?". In this book I provide everything you need to know to stop seeking approval from others. 130 pages.
It's an ebook you download to your computer so you can be reading the solutions to your problem within minutes.