2015년 1월 20일 화요일

[입트영] 1월 셋째주

**이번주 표현들

A lot of people are glue to the phone. ; 사람들이 너무 폰에 붙어있다.
They have a lot in common. ; 우린 공통점이 많다. 
The two cultures have a lot in common.
We became close friends we have a lot in common.
She is a dog person, he is a cat person. 그녀는 개를 좋아하고, 그는 고양이를 좋아한다.
I am a summer person, he is a winter person.
I'm a people person = 나는 사람들을 엄청 좋아한다.
I have a chance to meet my old friend.
They told me  how they met and how they fell in love. ; 사랑에 빠지다.

2015. 1. 22

* Talk about when you last went to hail salon (뒤에 강세)

I wanna put my hair up/down (머리를 올리거나 내리고 싶어요)
I got my shampoo my hair, dried my hair.

The last appointment that I made with my hair dresser was two weeks ago.
(hair designer, hair dresser, hair stylist 다 비슷함)

I needed to get a hair cut. (머리를 잘라야 한다)

I called the hair salon and made an appointment on Saturday.

I went there on time(제 시간에: Can you make on time?제 시간에 올 수 있겠어?)
(get/go on time: 제시간에 가다)
(Hurry up, otherwise You won't be able to go there on time)

, gave them my name.

First they shampooed (머리를 감다) my hair and then my hair dresser asked me what I wanted.

I didn't wanna big change, so I just trimmed  (다듬다) my bangs (앞머리) little bit.
(get bangs: 앞머리를 만들다)
(you can get bangs to look younger)

After I was done, they washed and dried my hair.

I then went to the counter, paid for the hair cut.

Overall My hairdresser did a very good job

I was satisfied with the new look. (새로운 모습에 만족하다)
( you look smarter when you hair up)

I want to get bangs. (앞머리 만들고 싶어)
you could look little younger with bangs.

2015. 01. 21

*Talk about appointment you make in your life

(*appointment: 1:1 서비스를 받는 예약에서 쓰는 개념. 클라이언트와 약속 있을 때도 씀.
친구와 약속 있을 때는 meeting up을 쓰고, 호텔, 레스토랑은 reservation을 씀)

I make various appointments in my life.

I make doctor appointments, dentist appointments, hair appointments.

I need to go see the doctor(동네병원에 가다), I call and make an appointment first,

I make regular appointments at the dentist (at the hair salon, at the nail salon) as well.

I go there to check-ups (정기검진) or get my teeth cleaned.(스케일링받다)

I also make an appointment to get my hair done.
(go to dye my hair: 전체염색을 하러간다,
go to get roots done: 뿌리염색 하러간다,
go to get a perm: 파마하러 간다)

I sometimes dye my hair or get a hair treatment.

I make all my appointments over the phone. (전화상으로)

Overall I can save time by making appointments, Because I don't have to wait.

I cancelled my appointment, because I'm not feeling well.

2015년 1월 12일 월요일

[입트영] 1월 둘째주

1월 13일

# Talk about problems people can experience when renting a apartment

People can experience various problems when they rent a house or an apartment.

They  may have trouble finding a place they like.

First of all the place may be too small for them, plus the rent (월세) maybe too high.

They may be looking for a  cheaper house.
(come on over to my place :place가 장소, 위치 말고도 집을 뜻하기도 함)

Also they may not like structure of the house.(집의 구조)

Last of all people may not like the rent lord (남자 집주인) or rent lady (여자 집주인).

Overall finding  a house you like is not easy.

You have to do your homework (사전조사, 미리미리 알아본다는 뜻으로 do your homework를 씀)

and do a lot of leg work (physical work involve, 발품을 판다는 뜻)

to find a right  house for you.

# 응용
-You may experience various problems when you travel oversea.

-I have trouble to get along with him.

-The structure of house is similar to my house.

My lease is up. 내 임대계약이 끝났어. 

2015년 1월 11일 일요일

[TED} 취약하다는 것의 힘, 브레네 브라운


I can tell you a lot  about shame but have to write everyone else this time.
But here's what  I can tell you that it boils down to.
and this is may be why the most important things I've ever learned and the decade of doing this research.

My one year turned into six years
Thousands of stories, hundreds of long interviews focus groups at one point people worsening the journal pages and sending their stories.
uh, Thousands of piece of data.

and six years and I kinda got a handle on it hike and understood this is what shame is this is how it works.
read a book
I published its theory
but something is not okay.

and what it was is that it by roughly took the people I interviewed and dividing them into people who really have a sense of worthiness that's what this comes down to person supporting us. They have a strong sense of what the love and belonging.
and folks who struggle for it folks who are always wondering if they're good enough.

It was only one variable that separated the people who have a strong sense of love and belonging, and the people who really struggle for it.
and that was the people who have a strong sense of love and belonging,
believed that there were the of love and belonging.
They believe their word.

To me, the hardest part was the one thing that keeps us out of connection as I fear that we're not worthy of connections.
was something that personally and professionally I felt like I needed to understand better.

So What I did is I took all of the interviews where I saw over the past where some people living that way, and just looked at those.

What do these people have in common and I have a slight  office supply addiction,
it's another talk.

I was like What am I gonna  call this research, in the first words that came to my mind
were wholehearted.

he's kind of wholehearted people living from the states and supporting us.

So here's What I found.

What they had in common was a sense of courage.
and when it separate courage and bravery for you a minute.

The courage, the original definition courage that when it first came is being
assigned which it's from a lot more cor and being heart.
and the original definition was to tell the story who you are with your wholehearted. 

These folks had very simply the courage to be imperfect.
They had the compassion to be kind of themselves first and into others because as it turns out
we can't practice compassion with other people if we can't treat ourselves kindly.
and the last was they had connection and this was the hard part as result of authenticity.

They were willing to let go of who they thought they should be
and order to be who they were, which is you have to absolutely do that for connection.

the other things they had in common was this.

They fully embrace vulnerability.
They believed that what made them vulnerable, made them beautiful.

They didn't talk about vulnerability being comfortable nor did they really talk
about being excruciating as I've heard it earlier in the shame interviewing.

They just talked about it being necessary.
They talked about the willingness to say i love you first.
the willingness to do something whether no guarantees.
the willingness to breeze through waiting for the doctor to call after your mammogram.
who willing to invest in a relationship that may or may not work out
They thought this was fundamental.

I personally thought it was betrayal.
I could not believe I had pledged allegiance to research
for your job you know the definition of research is control and predict
to study phenomenon for the explicit reason to control and predict

and now my mission to control and predict had turned up the answer
that the way to live is vulnerability, and stop controlling and predicting.

This lead to a little break down.
which actually looks more like this.
my therapist called it spiritual awakening.

Spiritual awakening is sound better but I assure you it was a breakdown.

(중간에 심리상담사 찾는 건 생락)

It was a year long street fight.
It was slugfest.
Vulnerability pused and I pushed back.

I lost. am the fight back, probably won my life back.

So Then I went back into the research and for the next couple of years,
really try to understand what they the wholehearted, what they choices they were making and what are we dealing with our vulnerability.

Why do we struggle?

This is what I learned.

We numb vulnerability.

The problem is what i learned from this research,
that you cannot selectively numb emotions.

You can't say, here's bad stuff.
here's the vulnerability here's grief , here's fear, here's disappointment.
I don't wanna feel this.
I'm gonna have a couple of beers and a banana muffins.

I don't wanna feel this.

You can't numb those hard feelings without numb the other effects, emotions.
you cannot selectively numb.

WE numb gratitude, joy, happiness

and we are miserable.and we are looking for purpose of meaning and
we feel vulnerable and then we have a couple of beers and banana muffins.
It becomes a danger cycle.

One of the thing that we need to think about is
why  and how we numb.
and it doesn't have to be addition.

The other thing we do is we make everything uncertain to certain.

Religion has gone from our belief in fate and mystery to certainty
I'm right you're wrong, shut up.
That's it.
Just certain.

The more afraid we are the more vulnerable we are the more afraid we are.
This is  what politics looks like today.
There's no discourse, no conversation.

There's just a blame. you know how blame described in the research.
Await to discharge pain and discomfort.

We perfect if there's anyone who want their life to look like this.
it would be me.
but it doesn't work.
Because what we do is we take fat from our butt put in our cheeks.

2015년 1월 6일 화요일

[Story] End of the work week

From: [The 60-Seconds Novelist], Dan Hurley.

[End of the work week]

Jeffrey is an opera singer. He is both a student and a performer, having sung at the Met, City opera, and in Europe. This week he just finished his exams, but his work is not done. It's the end of the work week for some, but not for him. He keeps working. He keeps learning. Until his last breath, he'll keep going.

He's a man full of surprises. One does not often see a black opera singer, and he has learned to expect people to be surprised. AND he seems kind of sick of it. Why should they be surprised? Why can't a black man sing opera?

When I said to him that it seemed natural to me that black men should sing opera, since they often seem to have deeper, more resonant voices than many white guys, he replied, "It's the watermelon and the fried chicken."

This was the kind of reaction I remember getting in Monument Valley, Utah, when I was travelling across America with Alice and met a group of Native Americans. They were offering horse rides for $25. And while we rode with them, we asked them questions about their lives. And they reacted quite sarcastically.

When Alice, who loves to talk about food, asked them what they like to eat, they replied, "We drink cold coffee and eat beans out of a can."

When I asked who owns the reservation, they said, "We all do. We can do whatever we want to it. If we want to build a casino on top of the mountain, we can do that. And then all the tourists can come and fall off."

I had felt  bad that he was assuming that our curious questions were rude, or ignorant. He seemed to be sick of the presumptions of white men. He was sick of  the prejudices, the caricatures.

He was sick of being  reduced to a wigwam and a blanket.

And it seems to me now that Jeffrey has some of that same anger and annoyance at the presumptions and prejudices being dumped on him. He wants to be accepted on his own terms, as who he is. He wants to define himself for himself, and not have others define him.

As the 60-Second Novelist, I have experienced the same thing, People are always wondering what the hell I'm doing with the typewriter. "Why are you doing that?" they ask. "Are you a writer? Don't you want to do REAL writing someday?"

And they can't understand that for me this IS real writing, that this for me is the best writing I could possibly do. I've written articles for The New York Times and Good Housekeeping and People and New York and TV Guide, but for me the best thing I've ever done is this writing on the streets for ordinary people one at a time.

And so maybe it's our lot, Jeffrey, for all of us humans to be misunderstood.

Not just blacks.
Not just Native Americans.
Not just 60-Second Novelists.

But anyone who is trying to break the rules, trying to define his or her own life, trying to find his or her own soul and follow his or her own path.

No one ever said it would be easy.
And no one ever said that everybody would stand and applaud our efforts.
Or that they would even understand.
And why do they need to understand?

We're doing it for ourselves, after all, not for anyone else. Which is why we should all of us remember the words of counsel once given to me by a very wise woman;

Be very understanding of their lack of understanding.

인디언들은 자신들이 인디언 천막과 인디언 옷으로만 세상에 비춰지는 것에 신물이 났다. 자신들을 하나의 구경거리로 여기는 사람들의 편견에 질려버린 것이다.
지금 흑인 오페라 가수 제프리는 자신에게 쏟아지는 선입견과 편견에 대해 인디언들과 똑같은 분노를 느끼는 듯하다. 그는 자신이 갖고 있는 모습 그대로 받아들여지기를 바란다. 그는 자신이 어떤 사람인지 스스로 정의하기를 바라지, 다른 사람이 자신을 정의하기를 원치 않는다. 60초 소설가로서 나도 똑같은 일을 경험한다. 사람들은 내가 타자기를 갖고 도대체 무엇을 하는지 늘 궁금해 한다. 그들은 묻는다.
당신은 왜 이런 일을 하는 거죠? 당신은 작가가 아닌가요? 언젠가 진짜글을 쓰고 싶지 않나요?”
이것이 나에게는 진짜 글쓰기이며 내가 할 수 있는 최선의 문학이라는 것을 그들은 이해할 수 없다. 내가 지금까지 한 일 중에서 가장 좋은 일은 거리에서 평범한 사람들을 위해 한 번에 한 사람씩 이런 그을 쓰는 것이다. 그러니 제프리, 오해받는 것은 아마도 모든 인간의 운명인 듯 하다.
단지 흑인만이 아니라,
단지 아메리카 원주민만이 아니라,
단지 60초 소설가만이 아니라.
세상의 낡은 규칙을 깨고, 자신의 삶을 분명히 정의하고, 자신의 영혼을 발견하고, 자신의 길을 따라 가려고 하는 사람은 누구든 오해를 받기 마련이다. 그 일이 쉬울 거라고 말한 이는 지금까지 아무도 없었다. 모든 사람이 우리의 노력을 참고 지켜보며 박수 보낼 것이라고 말하는 이도 없었다. 사람들이 우리를 이해할 것이라고 말하는 이도 없었다. 하지만 왜 그들이 우리를 이해해야만 하는가?
결국 우리는 우리 자신을 위해 그 일을 하고 있는 게 아닌가? 우리는 정말 지혜로운 여자가 해준 다음 말을 기억해야 한다.
사람들의 이해심이 부족한 것을 깊이 이해하라고.

어느 날, 라디오를 듣는데 이런 내용이 흘러 나왔다.
자신감이 없는 사람은 자기 존재의 가치를 모르는 것이고,
남을 무시하는 사람은 타인을 이해하지 못하는 것이다.“
자신감이 없는 사람들, 남을 무시하는 사람들.
그들을 이해하자.

[세바시] Joy becomes you, 차드 멍 탄

"What is the happiest moment of your life?"

and Dalai Lama said, " Right now."

Right now is always happiest moment for him.

He was being a little bit naughty.

However, I think he is illustrating a very important point.

 which is a highly trained mind, is capable of accessing joy at any time. on the mind.

How do we access joy on the mind?

so there's good news. The good news is that the mind is highly trainable.

In that sense, the mind is like the body.

The body can train to become strong.

For example, if you take a heavy object and lift it up and down, you develop strength.

It is the same as the mine.

The mind can be trained with simple exercises to acquire qualities that are good for you and specifically for this talk.

I wanna talk about simple exercise to develop joy.

How do we do that?

There are three very easy exercises that I'm gonna share with you.

I guarantee you that if you do all these exercises, you will increase joy in your life.

This exercises are so simple even I can do it.

The way to train the skill set of the mind is something  called mindfulness.

Mindfulness is defined as paying attention in a particular way.

Paying attention in a way  moment to moment non-judgementally without judging yourself.

Anybody want to try a 10-second exercise?

For ten seconds I want to invite you  to bring attention to the breathing.

and then when the attention wanders away, bring it back. Easy right?

You may wonder, What good does this do for you?

How can that possibly do me any good?

The answer is, again, back to the original analogy.

Every time your attention wanders away, you bring it back.

It's like doing one of this.

Your muscles of attention becomes a little bit stronger.

so if you do a lot of this, the muscles of attention becomes so strong over time that you are able to set the attention on the breath for long time.

Thai is how it works.

This is how this simple exercise can help you learn the skill to settle your mind on demand.

This is only step one. There is two more to go.

The second practice is to attend to joy.

Pay attention to joyful experiences.

What good does that do? So let me give you some example

When you are eating delicious food, bring full attention to eating, okay?

When you are holding hands with your loved one, pay attention to holding hands.

When you are holding a baby is not crying of course, crying baby is a little different story.

Holding a baby, pay attention to this experience

When you are taking a walk in a park, pay attention to the experience.

Full attention. Why does that work?

The first thing if you do that, automatically you double your joy.

Why? Because you pay more attention to it.

That's all. The same experience you double the joy for no extra price.

It's the best deal on Earth.

But it gets even better than that.

The second thing is neutral experiences start to become positive.

Things that we thought were "eeh, it doesn't matter" They become the source of joy.

How does it work? Let me give you some example.

How many of you have a toothache right now?

How many of you, you didn't have a toothache before I asked?

Nobody notice. that I'm not in pain.

Freedom from pain,

If I am in pain, If I have a toothache
I wish to myself if I don't have this pain, I would be so happy.

and then after a while I don't have this pain anymore

What do I do? I forget to be happy.

Why do I forget to be happy? Because I take this experience for granted.

Freedom from the pain, Such a beautiful thing, I forget to rejoice in it.

Not freedom from the pain, everything else like the ability to walk

That's a miracle.

However, there is another miracle, walking on the ground. That is a miracle.

We are all experiencing a miracle all the time. and we forget to rejoice.

Therefor, by the simple experience of bringing attention to joy

We begin to see joy in what we though was neutral.

and then, eventually all those experiences become joyful experience.

and that is the second way to increase joy.

Homework for today, Any experience that is even slightly joyful 

You get food, for 10 seconds pay attention to food.

You are taking a walk, for 10 seconds bring attention to walking.

I mean joy of walking.

If you are sitting with your friend, for 10 seconds enjoy the friend fully.

So try that out 10 seconds, easy.

At the end if you do that a lot, I guarantee that it will change your life.

Because you will realize what a miracle your life is.

There's one more practice, even more powerful than the first two.

And that practice is kindness.

Kindness is intrinsically very rewarding.

But instead of just saying let me do an exercise.

Before the exercise, there is something very important about kindness.

which is, kindness can be framed as a mental habit.

Habit of mind.

And the habit of kindness is to look at a human being randomly.

and the first thought in your mind comes up because it's a habit

The first thought is  "I wish for this person to be happy."

You walk into a meeting room, you look at all those people in the meeting

You think "I wish for these people to be happy."

What happens?

You are reflecting the body language,

and unconsciously this is picked up by the other people.

and they all like you.

and they don't really know why.

And you think they all like you because you are good looking

That's why all they like you.

So, this is the first thing.

But the other effect is happiness.

I will tell you about that in a moment after we do an exercise.

Shall we do the exercise of kindness?

For 10 seconds, randomly identify two people in this room,

don't say anything, don't do anything, just think.

And think "I wish for that person to be happy." That's it.

How was the experience? Everybody is smiling.

When you are wishing for somebody to be happy, you yourself become happy.

It's amazing, right?

If what i say is true, then you just discovered an inexhaustible source of happiness.

All you have to do is randomly wishing for people to be happy.

So couple of months ago, I gave a talk. and I did this exercise.

And then I made a suggestion at the spur of the moment

because it was on Monday night.

I said, "Okay, tomorrow you are all going back to work. every hour for ten seconds,

you randomly identify two people in the office. and wish for this person to be happy.

and wish for the that person to be happy." Go back to work. That is it.

I didn't expect anything to come out of that.

so that was Monday. Wednesday morning, I received an email from a total stranger.

This person said, " I came to your talk on Monday, I hate my job. I hate coming to work every single day. and I did your exercise. and yesterday was my happiest in 7 years."

Kindness, my friends, It is good for your soul.

It is what God intends for you to do your fellow human beings.

and it increases your happiness.

Mind-blowing, right?

Anythings that are good for the souls of other people are good for you.

and even think about it, it's something even more powerful.

which is that all the qualities the saintly qualities

compassion, kindness, love, and so on, equanimity

They can all be framed as mental habits.

and mental habits are highly trainable because the way to create a habit is to do it a lot.

Therefore, if you just randomly wish for people to be happy a lot,

It becomes a habit.

The habit becomes you.

and you become a kind person.

and if it's the same for compassion, and every other good qualities saintly qualities

What does that mean?

It means that we can all become saintly people with training.

and training in ways that we all understand.

because it's just creating mental habits.

Mind blowing.

So, I hope you do that any of three exercises,

I hope you try all three of them everyday for a couple seconds a day.

and Three exercises are?

Settle the mind, Attend to joy and kindness.

That's it, I hope you start using these exercise starting from today.

and I hope that all of you will live happily ever after.

Thank you.

2015년 1월 5일 월요일

[TED]6개월 만에 언어를 배우는 방법, Chris Londale

The Big Q:
How can normal adults learn a NEW LANGUAGE Quickly, Easily, Effectively??

Find where it's already happening and identify the principles that work!

Discovered that..

Anyone can learn a Second Language in 6 Months

The history of Human Progress is all about Expanding Limits.


5 Principles and 7 actions

The 2 things don't really matter
-Immersion per se

** 5 Principles of rapid language acquisition

Meaning  ---- Relevance
    ㅣ          *         ㅣ
Attention  ---- Memory

Principle #1: Focus on language content that is relevant to you.

Principle #2: Use your language as a tool to communicate from Day 1

Principle #3: When you first Understand the Message
you will unconsciously ACQUIRE the Language!!

Comprehension is key.

Principle #4: Physiological Training

Principle #5: Psycho-physiological SAT

** 7 Actions  for Rapid Language Acquisition

Action #1. Listen a LOT
Brain soaking

Action #2. Focus on getting the meaning FIRST (before the words)
use body language
use patterns you already know

Action #3.  Start Mixing!
알고 있는 명사, 동사, 형용사를 모두 짜집기 해, 막 섞어봐. 니 맘대로 
so get creative, start mixing!!

Action #4. Focus on the core
high frequency language 3000 words daily use.

use- what is this? how do you say? i don't understand..
use- you, this, me, I, that, give, hot
     communication like baby.
then Glue words... and, but, even though

Action #5. Get a Language parent.

*Language Parent "Rules"
-Work to understand what you are saying
-Does not correct mistakes
-Confirms understanding by using correct language
-Uses words the learner knows

Action #6. Copy the Face
Use face muscles in right way.
look at native speaker's face how to use their muscles.

Action #7. "Direct Connect" to Mental Images
One same box, different paths 

[입트영]1월 첫째주

[1월 6일 Tue]

* Talk about a concert you went to in the past

There are many concerts there are held throughout the year. (연중내내)

I remember going to a concert a couple of years ago.

It was joint concert between 싸이 and another Korean singer.

The over a mood of the concert was very lively.

The singers sang many of their hit songs.

They also did their signature (전매특허) dances and the stage performances.

There were many special effects that made concert more spectacular. (웅장했다. 대박이었다. = overwhelm, impressed)

The concert venue (location where take place events) was packed with people.

In fact, the concert was completely sold out.

Looking back,(회상할때 쓸 수 있는 표현; 되돌아보면) it was one of the best concerts I've been to.

I hope to go again, if there is chance.

*The tickets got sold out instantly. (표가 즉석에서 매진되었다)

[1월 7일]
*What devices do you use to listen to music?

Cellphones are all-in-one devices.

I use my cellphone to listen to music.

Because I always have my cellphone on (within my reach; I don't have any cash on me) me, I can listen to music wherever I am.

So I almost always listen to music when I'm on the move.(=on the go, 이동중)

I plug in (꽂다) my earphones on the subway or the bus.

I also have some music in the car when I'm driving.

Plus when I have to concentrate on something at a coffee shop, I normally listen to music.

I can block out the noise that way.

Overall I listen to music almost everywhere anytime I want.

Let's put some music on. 음악 좀 틀자.

[1월 8일]
*How has your interesting music changed over the years?

Well, In my teenage years I mostly listened to music from boy or girl groups.

There were tons of them in the K-pop in the street.

But As time went by I started to listen to various types of music.

Sometime I like listening to soften and quiet music.

I guess, ballad or classical music would be good examples.

These types of songs help me relax.

On the other hand, there're times when I'm in the mood for upbeat music.

Fast songs keep my spirits up. They also keep me awake.

Overall I think, I'm starting to  appreciate (진가를 인정하다, 이해하다) a larger variety of songs as I grow older.

* We have different taste(s) in music.
(우린 음악 취향이 달라)
I love hip-hop, but she's more close to a Jazz fan.

해커스토익 1월 모의해설

응시날짜: 2015. 1. 5

52문제 중 28개 맞음 (23분 제한에 18분 걸림)
ㅎㅎ 빨리는 풀었는데, 반타작이야...ㅎㅎㅎ (다행히 이번달이 가장 어려웠다고 말해줌.)

*Insist, require
request, ask
recommend                + that S (should) R

*then(부사) 1) 그때 (과거/미래)
                2) 그렇다면 <if S + V, then S+V~>

1)용량 - 수용력 be filled to capacity (장소가 가득차다)
                       seating capacity (좌석수)
2)공장의 생산능력
  at full capacity (전체 가동중인)

  자동사 + from ~로부터 혜택을 받다
  타동사 + O 혜택을 주다

1) that S + V
2) to R
3) on/ about/with/to N

2)찬성하다, 괜찮다고 생각하다

be unanimous in : 만장일치의

* if only : 오직 ~하는 경우에만
only if = I wish (~라면 좋을텐데)
now that ~때문에

*시간 부사절에선는 현재가 미래를 대신함!
Customers will be able to take advantage of Belle's online sale before all present offers end on the 30th of this month.

자동사: 안전하다
타동사: get, achieve

1) almost 거의
2) 현실적으로

* Ms. Romanek left detailed instructions regarding the upcoming conference, including where to send the invitations for speakers coming for overseas.

*Having booked their museum tickets well in advance of the trip, Mr.Miller and his group did not have to wait in line as some of the other tourists did.

get by ~ 으로 그럭저럭 살아가다 (해내다)
try out (성능 효력을 알아보기 위해) ~을 테스트 하다
catch on : become popular
show up: 나타나다

* Requests for vegetarian meals may be honored provided that guests inform the event organizer by December 11 at the latest.

be honored : 이행되다 (요청이)

ever since: ~이래로
      S have/has pp ~, ever since S V(과거시제)

in order that ~하기 위해서

provided that 
 = if 라면
 =assuming that
 = providing that
 = suppose that
 = supposing that        

at the latest 늦어도

*be committed to : ~전념하다 헌신하다
revenue 수입

* in addition to ~이외에도

*be pleased to R ~해서 기쁘다
be pleased with N

*be eager to R/ for N ~를 간절히 바라다

be adept at ~ 에 능숙하다

be compatible with 호환가능하다

be inclined to R ~하기를 바라는, ~하는 경향이 있는

*~에 관하여
related to = concerning = regarding
= about = over = pertaining to = as to 
=in (with) regard(s) to = in(with) reference to
= with respect to

sensibly 합리적으로 (sensible= reasonable)

materially 물질적으로,
               현저하게 (considerably), 대단히

moderately 적당하게
superficially 표면적으로

aside from (=apart from, other than)
1)except for ~외에
2)in addition to ~에 더해

regardless of ~와 관계없이, 상관없이

on account of = because of = due to = owing to

basics 기본원리, 사실
attachments. 첨부분서, 애착
ingredients 재료, 구성요소
substances 물질

weekly 일주일마다
week long 일주일에 걸친

*In an attempt to (~하기 위한 노력으로) calm the upset customers, utility firm Lectra Energy published a lengthy(장황한, 긴) press release explaining why it had to increase power rates last June.

1)특정 위치에 두다
2) 찾아내다 (~locate a nearby restaurant)

not A until B : B하고 나서야 A 하다

* give away 
1) 기밀을 누설하다
2) ~을 무료로 주다

aspiring 출세지향적인
resourceful 지략있는 (good at finding effective ways to deal with problems)
challenging 까다로운, 도전적인, 어려운

chiefly 주로
address = deal with 다루다, 해결하다

* schedule A for B (시간)
we have scheduled some maintenance a activities for Friday.

1)inspect 점검하다
2)repair 보수하다

If should R ~, S will/may/can R~~
->Should S R ~, S will/may/can R~~
만일 ~라면, ~~할 텐데

*apparently 듣자하니
as a result 결과적으로

2015년 1월 4일 일요일

[펌] 외국인이 많이 쓰는 600개 문장

A piece of cake  식은 죽 먹기지요.
Absolutely. 당근!
After you. 먼저 가시지요.
Always. 항상 그렇죠.
Amazing! 대단하네요
And then? 그리고 나서는요?
Any good ideas? 어떤 좋은 생각이라도?
Any time. 언제라도요.
Anybody home? 집에 누구 있어요?
Anything else? 그밖에 또 뭐요?
Are you in line? 지금 줄에 서 계신거죠?
Are you kidding? 놀리시는거 아니죠?
Are you serious? 그거 진짜에요?
At last. 드디어.
Attention, please! 주목 좀 해주세요.
Awesome! 와우~ 멋지다!

Back me up.  뒤좀 봐줘. (지원해달라는 의미)
Be my guest. 사양하지 마세요.
Be patient. 조금만 참아 보세요.
Be punctual. 시간좀 맞춰줘!
Be right back with you. 잠깐만요 (곧 당신에게 돌아올게요)
Be seated. 앉으시죠
Beat it. (이 자리에서) 꺼져!
(Beer) Please. (맥주) 주세요
Behave yourself. 예의를 갖추시죠!
Better late than never. 안하느니보단 늦는게 낫죠.
Better than nothing.없는 것보다 낫지요.
Boy! It hurts.  와, 진짜 아프네.
Break it up. 그만 좀 싸워.

Call me Sam, please. 샘이라고 불러줘.
Can I get a ride? 나 태워줄수 있어요?
Can you hear me now? 잘 들려요?
Can't argue with that. 그건 논란이 여지가 없죠.
Cant' be better than this. 이것보다 좋을 순 없죠.
Cash or charge? 현찰, 아니면 신용카드?
Catch you later. 나중에 보자구요 (혹은 나중에 들릴게요)
Certainly. 확실히 그렇죠
Charge it please. 대금을 크레딧 카드로 결제해 주세요.
Check it out. 확인해 봐봐
Check, please. 계산서 좀 주세요.
Cheer up! 힘내!
Cheers! 건배!
Come and get it. 와서 가져가요 (와서 먹어요)
Come on. 설마 (혹은 에이~)
Congratulations! 축하합니다.
Could be. 그럴 수도 있죠.
Couldn't be better than this. 이보다 더 좋을 순 없어.

Definitely. 당근 빳다죠.
Delicious. 맛있어요
Depends. 경우에 따라 다르죠.
Did you get it? 알아들었어요?
Didn't I make myself clear? 제 입장을 확실하게 하지 않았나요?
Disgusting. 기분나빠, 재수없어.
Do  I know it? 저도 압니다. 누가 아니래요?
Do I look all right? 제가 괜찮아 보여요?
Do you have everything with you? 다 가지고 계신거죠?
Do you follow me? 제 말 알아 듣겠어요?
Do you? 당신은요?
Doing okay? 잘 하고 있어요?
Don't get too serious. 너무 심각하게 하지 마세요. (편하게 생각하세요)
Don't miss the boat. 기회를 놓치지 마세요.
Don't press (push) you luck. 너무 날뛰지 마세요 (너무 행운만 믿지 마세요)
Don't ask. 묻지 말아요
Don't be a chicken. 너무 소심하게 굴지 말아요
Don't be afraid. 두려워 하지 마세요.
Don't be foolish. 멍청하게 굴지 말아요.
Don't be modest. 겸손해 하지 말아요.
Don't be shy. 부끄러워 하지 마세요.
Don't  bother me. 나를 괴롭히지 마세요.
Don't bother. 신경쓰지 마세요.
Don't be silly. 싱겁게 놀지 마세요.
Don't change the subject! 화제를 돌리지 마세요.
Don't get into trouble. (Stay out of trouble) 괜히 껴들지 마세요.
Don't get upset. 너무 화내지 말아요.
Don't mess with me. 나하고 해보자는 거죠. (저에게 함부러 하지 마세요)
Don't let me down. 나를 실망시키지 말아요.
Don't make me laugh. 나좀 웃기지 말아요.
Don't push! 밀지 말아요.
Don't worry about it. 걱정하지 말아요.
Drive safely! 안전운전 하세요.

Easy does it.  천천히 해요. 진정해요.
Either will do. (Anything will do) 둘중에 어떤 것이든 돼요.
Enjoy your meal. 맛있게 드세요.
Enough is enough. 충분하니까 이제 그만 해요
Exactly. 바로 그거죠.
Excellent! (Super!) 짱!
Excuse me. 실례합니다.

Far from it. 아직 멀었지요.
Fifty-fifty. 50:50이죠.
Follow me. 따라 오세요.
For good? 영원히?
For what? 왜, 뭐땀시?
Forget it.  그것에 대해 잊어버리세요. 신경꺼요.

Get in the line.줄서세요
Get lost! 당장 꺼져버려.
Get off my back. 이제 나를 고만 괴롭혀요.
Get real! 현실적이 되세요. 냉정해 지세요.
Get the picture? 완전히 이해되세요?
Give it  a rest. 내버려두세요.
Give it a try. 노력해보세요. 시도해보세요.
Give me  a call. 제게 전화 주세요.
Gladly. 기꺼이 하지요.
Go ahead. 하세요. 말씀하세요.
Go fifty-fifty. 반반 나누어 내지요.
Go for it. 한번 해보시지요. 화이팅!
Go get it. 가서 가져와요. (격려 의미로 '한번 해봐!'로도 쓰임)
Go on, please. 어서 계속 하세요.
Going down? 내려가세요?
Going up? 올라가세요?
Good enough. 그정도면 충분합니다. 좋습니다.
Good for you. 잘 되었네요 (약간 축하의미)
Good luck to you! 당신에게 행운을 빕니다.
Good luck. 행운을 빕니다.
Good talking to you. 당신과 대화 즐거웠어요.
Grow up! 철 좀 들어라.
Guess what? 뭔지 맞춰봐요.

Hang in there. 잘 견디고 있어 주세요.
Hang loose. 좀 편히 쉬고 있어요.
Hang on! 잠깐만!
Have a nice day. 좋은 하루 되세요.
Have fun. 재미있게 즐겨!
He didn't show up. 그가 나타나지 않았어요.
He is history to me.그는 저에게 이미 지난 일.
Help me. 도와주세요.
Help yourself. 마음껏 드세요.
Here is something for you. 여기 당신을 위해 준비했어요.
Here you are. 여깄어요.
Hold it! 움직이지 마요, 잠깐만!
Hold on. 잠깐 기다리세요.
How come? 어떻게?
How do you like here? 여기 좋아하세요?
How have you been? 그동안 어떻게 지냈어요?
How many times do I have to say? 몇번이나 말해야 알겠어요?
How many? 몇개나?
How much? 얼마나 많이?
How was your trip? 여행 어땠어요?
How? 어떻게?
How's everything? 다 잘되고 있죠? (안부의 의미)
How's your family? 가족은 잘 있어요?
How's work? 일은 좀 어때요?

I agree. 동의합니다
I am (deeply) touched. 정말 감동했어요.ㅠ
I am  a little disappointed. 좀 실망했어요.
I am all set! 준비 끝!
I am aware of that. 그 점에 대해서는 잘 알고 있어요.
I am back. 저 돌아왔어요.
I am broke. 저 무일푼입니다. (파산했어요)
I am coming. 지금 가요.
I am crazy about her. 나는 그녀에게 빠졌어요.
I am exhausted. 완전 지쳤어요.
I am fed up with this. 정말 진저리가 나요..
I am free. 한가해요.
I am full. 배불러요.
I am getting hungry. 배가 슬슬 고파오는데요.
I am going to miss you. 널 그리워하게 될거야.
I am impressed. 감동받았어요.
I am in  a hurry. 좀 바쁩니다. (저 급해요)
I am in need. 궁색합니다.
I am nearsighted. 근시입니다.
I am on duty. 근무중입니다.
I am scared to death.  무서워 죽겠어요.
I am serious. 진심이라구요.
I am short-changed. 잔돈이 모자라네요.
I am single. 미혼입니다.
I am starving to death. 배고파 죽겠어요.
I am stuffed. 배불러요. (더이상 들어가지 못할만큼 배부르다)
I am upset. 화가 납니다.
I bet. 장담컨대 (내기할 정도로 자신있다)
I can tell. 그렇게 보이는데요 (그래 보여요)
I can handle it. 내가 할 수 있어요.
I can't handle it anymore. 더이상 감당할수가 없네요.
I can't afford that. 제 형편에 무리에요. (주로 재정적으로) 감당이 안돼요.
I can't help it. 어쩔수 없어요.
I can't say for sure. 확실히는 말 못하겠어요.
I can't stand it. 견딜수가 없군, (못참겠어!)
I can't thank you enough. 뭐라 감사의 말씀을 드려야할지 모르겠네요.
I didn't mean to. (I didn't mean it) 일부러 그런건 아니에요.
I don't believe it. 난 믿지 않아요.
I don't care. 상관없어요.
I don't get it. 이해를 못하겠네.
I don't like it. 싫어.
I doubt it. 아닌 것 같은데... (no대신에 정말 많이씀, no의 완곡한표현)
I feel the same way. 저도 똑같이 느꼈어요.
I get it. 알아들었어요.
I got lost. 길을 잃었어요.
I have got to go now. 이제 가야겠네요.
I have had enough. I quit. 이제 진저리가 나요. 그만 둘래요.
I hardly know him. 나는 그 사람을 잘 모릅니다.
I hate to eat and run but... 먹자마자 가긴 싫지만...
I have a long way to go. 갈길이 머네요.
I have no appetite. 식욕이 없네요.
I have no clue. 아이디어가 전혀 없네요. (어찌할지 모르겠네요)
I have no energy. 의욕이 없어요.
I have no idea. 전혀 몰라요.
I have no time. 시간이 없어요. 바쁘네요.
I haven't got all day. 좀 서둘러 주시겠어요?(제가 시간이 좀 없어요)
I hear you loud and clear. 잘 듣고 있습니다.
I know what! 아, 알았어요!
I love it! 정말 좋아해!
I made it. 제가 해냈어요!
I mean it. 정말입니다. 농담아니에요.
I owe you one. 신세를 지네요.
I see. 알겠습니다.
I swear to God. 내가 맹세컨대
I taught myself. 혼자 익혔어요.
I was lucky. 정말 운이 좋았죠.
I was told that. 그렇게 들었어요. (제가 듣기에~)
I will be in touch. 제가 연락드릴게요.
I will do if for you. 제가 해 드리지요.
I will drink to that. 그것에 동감입니다.
I will get it. (전화 등을) 제가 받을게요.
I will miss you. 널 그리워할거야.
I will never make it on time. 제시간에 가기는 틀렸군.
I wouldn't say no. 아니라고는 말하지 않을게요.
In a sense, he is nothing but a suit. 어떤 면에서, 그는 헛깨비나 다름없어. (어떤 사람이 그 위치에 딱 맞는 행동을 생각없이 수행하는 걸 의미한다고 함)
Incredible 대단해.
Is that all?그게 전부에요?
It's chilly. 쌀쌀하네.
It's muggy. 후덥지근하네. (온도 습도가 모두 높은)
It's out of style. 유행이 지났네요.
It is painful for me. 그건 참 고통스럽네요.
It is time for lunch. 점심식사 시간이에요.
It is time to go. 갈 시간입니다.
It is windy. 바람이 부네.
It makes sense. 말 되네요.
It takes time.시간이 걸립니다.
It's for you. 여기요 전화왔어요.
It's not fair. 불공평해요.
It's all right. 괜찮습니다.
it's cool. 멋있네요.  (상황에 따라 괜찮아요 라는 뜻도 있음)
it's free.공짜입니다.
It's freezing. 대박 춥네.
It's my fault. 제 잘못입니다.
It's my turn. 제 차례입니다.
It's now or never. 지금이 절호의 기회입니다.
It's on me. It's on the house. 이건 제가 쏘는 겁니다. 이것은 주인집에서 서비스!
It's really bad. 아주 나빠요.
It's tough. 힘들어요.
It's your turn. 당신차례입니다.

Just about. 거의
Just kidding. 그냥 농담이에요.
Just looking. 그냥 돌아보는거에요.
Just a moment. 잠시만요.

Keep an eye on this, will you? 이것좀 봐주실래요?
Keep going. 계속 가세요.
Keep in touch. 계속 연락합시다.
Keep it confidential. 대외비밀로 해주세요. (당신만 알고 계세요.)
Keep it to yourself. 당신만 알고 계세요.
Keep looking.계속해서 찾아봐요.
Keep out of my way. 제길을 막지 마세요.
Keep the change. 잔돈은 가지세요. (잔돈은 됐어요)
Keep your chin up! 낙담하지 마세요. 기운내세요.
Knock it off. 그만해 (상대방이 놀리는 상황에서라든지 황당한 얘기를 할 때)

Large of small?
Let it be!
Let me see
Let me think about it.
Let's give him a big hand.
Let's call it a day.
Let's eat out.
Let's get down to business.
Let's get together sometime.
Let's go over it one more time.
Let's see..
Let's split the bill
Let's try.