2019년 1월 1일 화요일

[입트영] Talk about what you do to keep your teeth healthy


Talk about what you do to keep your teeth health.

I think that good dental heath is utmost important.
치아 건강이 가장 중요하다.

The condition of one's teeth has major impact on eating and also has fundamental out of appearance. 치아상태는 음식을 먹는데 가장 핵심적이고 외모에도 큰 영향을 줍니다.

I brush my teeth three times a day.
하루에 3번 이를 닦는데,

I brush my teeth when I wash up first thing in the morning.
아침에 일어나서 가장 먼저 씻으면서 이 닦는다.

I also bruth at the office after lunch. Once before hit the sack at the night.
점심먹고 회사에서 한번, 자기 전에 한번 닦는다.
-hit the sack: 잠자리에 들다

At night I also clean between my teeth with dental floss.
-dental floss: 치실

I also rinse my mouth with mouthwash to get rid of germs.
-mouthwash: 구강청결제

Going to the dental clinic for regular check-ups is another thing I do for dental health.
정기적으로 치과에 검진을 가는 건 치아건강을 위해 내가 하는 또 다른 일이다.

I visit about twice a year to get rid of plaque by scaling.
일년에 2회 정도는 스케일링 합니다.
-plaque:치석, 치태

I also have teeth checks for cavities.
-cavity: 충치

When my teeth are stained because of coffee I sometime receive teeth whitening treatment.
- be stained: 얼룩이 지다, 더러워지다
-tooth whitening treatment: 치아미백

I had crooked teeth when I was in college, so I got braces
치열이 고르지 않아서 대학교때 교정을 받았다.
-braces: 교정기
-have crooked teeth (크뤼키) : 치열이 고르지 않다

It was a pain in the neck for two years, but my satisfaction level is high.
2년동안 너무 힘들었지만, 만족도는 높았다.
-a pain in the neck: 골칫거리

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